Page 95 of Songs of Sacrament

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The King’s cold blue eyes darted to me. “We’re glad to have you home.”

As his gaze bore into me, my heart tripped over itself. I forced a smile as I curtsied though I never released Lennox’s arm. I raised my voice so those around us could hear. “Thank you, Your Highness. I can’t say how much I appreciate all that you’ve done to ensure my safety. I hope I prove worth the trouble.”

The crowd around us burst into another cheer. Lennox patted my arm, and I gave his a squeeze in return. We’d done well. We’d set the stage of the golden prince returning with the lost princess—I assumed that’s what the Seelie saw me as if they would go to war over it—both happily deferring to their father and king.

Carrington’s lips turned down the slightest amount.

He was not fooled.

“Let’s return home, then,” the King boomed, “and celebrate our victory.”

A roar of cheers rippled through the crowd. Commanders began directing groups, and the King and his party turned with them. Lennox helped me back onto his kelpie and swung up behind me. Once the roar of the moving army drowned out all other noises, I leaned back against Lennox. “That went well.”

He released a breath against my ear and kept his voice low. “For our appearance before the Seelie, yes. But we’ve embarrassed my father, and I assure you, he is not a man to take being one-upped lightly.”

I sucked my lip between my teeth and chewed the edge. I’d hoped Lennox would reassure me that our respect and deference had left the King satisfied. Instead, he deepened my fear.

We clattered our way right into the beating heart of our enemy.
