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Jack yanked his mind to their conversation about promoting literacy, but kept getting distracted by his wife.

His wife.

The woman carrying his baby.

Yet, despite the possessiveness both facts evoked, his feelings for her would be strong even without marriage or a child.

Elisabeth was different to any woman he’d known. Special.

He’d never spilled so much personal history to anyone, especially not such gruesome details. It was something he’d never have done before, but their relationship had deepened.

Meanwhile their compelling attraction was stronger than ever. He’d witnessed her eyes dilate and her sudden breathlessness when he got close. The way she’d looked at him in the chalet had been almost too much. Her eyes had blazed golden and inviting, making his hands shake as he’d secured her necklace.

His much-tested control grew threadbare. Not simply because she was alluring in that stunning dress. It was the change in the way she was with him. Her approval as she surveyed him so intently. As if he’d done something to surprise her in the best of ways.

She made him eager to prove her faith in him. He wanted to do more than build commercial success upon commercial success. Wanted to be more spontaneous, though for years he’d shunned spontaneity, remembering his parents’ impetuosity.

A wealthy entrepreneur approached, someone with whom he wanted to make contact. Yet it wasn’t business on Jack’s mind. ‘If you’ll excuse us, Countess, they’re playing our tune. Aren’t they, darling?’

Elisabeth looked up, startled. Yet she didn’t object when he slid his arm around her waist and pulled her close. How good that felt.

She murmured something to the other woman about being in contact later and let him guide her onto the dance floor where a waltz had started up. The entrepreneur stopped in his tracks, frowning, but Jack had no time for him.

‘Ourtune?’ Elisabeth whispered. ‘I didn’t know you were a fan of Strauss.’

‘Is that the composer or the conductor?’

Her gurgle of amusement at his joke rippled through him, easing the tension that had built when he’d held himself back from her.

‘I don’t remember you being so eager to dance. Usually you’re busy networking.’

Jack pulled her close, her fragile skirt wafting around his legs. Her body aligned with his so wonderfully that for a second he forgot how to breathe. He watched her eyes widen, saw the silent gasp on her open lips.

It had been too long for both of them.

‘I was a fool,’ he ground out as he wrapped her more snugly in his embrace and led her into the dance. ‘Why was I working when I could have been doing this?’

Elisabeth’s chuckle was sweeter than any music even if he saw confusion in her eyes.

He pivoted, leaning her back over his arm.

She followed his unexpected move with signature grace. But it wasn’t her dance skills that thrilled him. It was her trust in him, letting herself dip back, reliant on his hold. Dazzling eyes held his steadily, that flicker of excitement enticing him.

‘I want to be alone with you,’ he admitted. ‘I need you, Elisabeth.’

Dark lashes veiled her eyes but when she met his stare her irises had saturated to bright gold. He witnessed the quick throb of her pulse and her breath’s telltale hitch.


Just that. A whisper so soft he barely heard it, yet he felt it in every part of his body. She wanted him. Needed him. No matter the issues they still had to negotiate, this was real and strong.

Jack hauled her close, too close for respectability, but a man had his limits.

‘How many hours does a royal reception last?’

Too many, was the answer. It was late when they reached their accommodation. Hours ago Elisabeth had begun to wilt at his side but she’d been determined to stay for the whole celebration. He’d had to grit his teeth rather than march over to Michael and insist they curtail the celebrations because Jack’s pregnant wife was tired.

She swayed when they alighted from the car and he swept her up into his arms, ignoring her shocked gasp. ‘I can walk.’
