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Bess blinked, surprised at the use of her married name. Silence descended, the reminder of their unsettled marriage shattering the moment.

She guessed from his slight frown that Jack hadn’t meant to call her that. Had it just slipped out? That would be unlike the man she knew who always thought carefully before speaking or acting.

His chest rose on a deep breath and his embrace firmed. He sounded almost reluctant as he said, ‘We need to talk, Elisabeth. I’ve been putting it off, but I can’t any longer.’

The coward in her wanted to deny it and focus on the easy part of their relationship, sex. To spend the day doing anything but talking. Yet she knew from the set of his mouth he was determined and she wanted this resolved too. She nodded. ‘We do.’ Yet anxiety brushed the fine hairs on her body erect.

‘You know I don’t want to divorce, but I haven’t told you why.’

Bess frowned. ‘You told me. You want to be a full-time dad. You want our baby to be part of a family.’

Jack stroked her arm from shoulder to elbow, his gaze following the movement. ‘That’s true. I want to be the one raising this child with you. I don’t want some other man ever taking that role.’

A chill scudded through her at the idea of a future where she was with any man other than Jack.

That said everything about her feelings, didn’t it?

His mouth twisted. ‘Amazing, isn’t it, for me to insist on this when I could never even commit to a permanent home?’ He met her eyes and warmth replaced the chill.

‘I was so messed up I couldn’t even bring myself to buy a place of my own. A place forus.’ His caressing hand stilled. ‘It sounds stupid but I had a superstitious fear of putting down roots because my childhood home was a battleground, not a sanctuary. Even when I lived with my grandmother home wasn’t somewhere warm. It seemed easier not to get too attached.’

To places or people?

Bess wrapped her arms around his torso and squeezed, the way her overfull heart was squeezing. ‘Jack—’

‘Sorry, enough of the past. We need to talk about the future. Because Idowant to make a home, with you and our child and maybe, if you agree, more children in future.’

The glow in his eyes did the strangest things to her breathing. He wanted more children? This didn’t sound like a man making the best of an unplanned pregnancy. It sounded like a man whowantedfamily.

‘That’s why I arranged the country house.’

Bess pulled back in his arms, stunned. ‘You want to settle there? Stop moving from city to city?’

‘I can commute if need be but if I’m going to be a husband and father I have to adjust how I work. Delegate more, work smarter.’ He paused. ‘Besides, Iwantto spend my time with you.’

She wanted to believe it,didbelieve it. But him buying that magnificent, moated house because he’d decided it suited them was a reminder of his high-handed behaviour earlier, when he saw a need or opportunity and dealt with it, then informed her.

Even if she’d fantasised about the old house being the perfect family home.

Bess planted her hand on his chest and levered herself back as far as she could. ‘You bought it?’

‘I wouldn’t do that without consulting you.’ The warmth in his expression stilled her indignation. ‘I’ve taken a lease with an option to buy but we both need to decide if it’s right. I thought the best way to do that would be to live there, and you needed somewhere quiet.’

Jack seemed to hesitate. ‘If you want the whole truth, I secured the place before our week in the Caribbean. An acquaintance wanted to sell and as he described it, I thought of you. Your appreciation of quirky, rambling old houses. Your love of the country, of bluebell woods and horses. The rambling gardens you showed me at Moltyn Hall. You looked so happy there.’

It hurt to swallow. Bess remembered when she’d showed him around her old home. He was right, the gardens were a special place for her and her mother.

Yet this was unbelievable. ‘You rented itbeforeour week in the Caribbean?BeforeI got pregnant?’

He inclined his head.

‘But why?’

His words seemed to have run dry. Then she felt a tremor run through his large frame. He inhaled, nostrils flaring, and she had the suspicion he was deeply uncomfortable.

Jack’s expression turned sombre and her heartbeat stuttered with foreboding.

‘Because I wanted you back, I needed you. That’s why I arranged everything meticulously, so I could convince you to come back to me.’
