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Besides, it had been invigorating having his wife make sexual demands. She’d never been coy or passive, but nor had she ever dictated the direction of their sexual encounters.

She’d changed. And despite the indignation, anger and even hurt he still felt over her dumping him, he couldn’t help but enjoy the feisty woman he’d encountered last night. He looked forward to being with her again.

He looked at her profile, her approving smile as she watched the bride and groom. As if sensing his stare she shifted her weight and half turned to look over her shoulder before turning back to the couple.

Satisfaction bloomed deep in Jack’s belly. She might be trying to hide it but Elisabeth was as aware of him as he was of her.

He’d been annoyed that she’d slipped out of his bed after he’d fallen asleep around dawn. But it was just as well. He’d lost count of the number of times they’d had each other through the night but he suspected that if he’d woken with her in his arms this morning he wouldn’t have been able to resist taking her again. They’d have been late for the ceremony.

His mouth curved into a tight smile.

He needed to allow her some space, or at least the illusion of it.Sheneeded to come tohim. And after last night he had no doubt that was exactly what she’d do.

‘You may now kiss the bride.’

Jack looked at the embracing couple and back to Elisabeth. She was grinning with delight, her eyes sparkling.

He’d never wanted her more.

He had a flash of memory, of looking down at her the day they’d married. She’d suggested a small wedding. He’d insisted on a big event. Space for several hundred guests. An elaborate reception. His staff had booked up exclusive accommodation for the international VIPs and they’d had to negotiate the release of approved wedding photos in order to avoid helicopters and drones invading their privacy. Even her dress had been altered to include an impressive, long train which would look perfect in the larger venue. Because their wedding was part of his plans to extend his commercial interests. Cultivating key European policy makers and investors had been vital.

It hadn’t been the wedding his bride would have chosen. But when he’d turned at the end of the ceremony to kiss her, she’d looked up at him with stars in her eyes and a smile that stole his breath as effectively as a punch to the solar plexus.

She’d been happy then. He was sure of it. And she’d trusted him.

What they’d had was good, far better than he’d anticipated, and he intended to get that, and her, back.

The bridal couple turned and he moved forward to congratulate them. He mightn’t buy into the idea of romantic love but he sincerely hoped his friend would be happy with his new bride.

As he intended to be with his wayward wife.

‘You’re going to be so happy,’ Bess said, hugging her cousin, ‘I just know it.’

Michael held Freya’s hand tight as if he couldn’t bear not to be touching her and Bess felt her chest contract. Because they were so ecstatic, as they should be. They were so well-matched.

And because she was just a little jealous of the joy they’d found?

No. Not jealous. She didn’t begrudge them anything. Even if this intimate beachside celebration was the sort of wedding she’d have chosen for herself if she’d had the option.

She just wished... No, no point in wishing for the impossible.

‘Thanks, Bess. It was wonderful you could attend.’ Freya kissed her cheek and dropped her voice. ‘I know it must be hard, celebrating a wedding when your marriage—’

‘It was absolutely my pleasure. You know I wouldn’t have missed it for the world.’

A deep voice came from just behind her, evoking a lush curl of decadent heat low in her body. ‘Nor would I,’ Jack said. ‘I’m glad you finally put him out of his misery and agreed to marry him, Freya. It’s hard doing business with a man who can’t concentrate.’

There was laughter all round and then it was time for goodbyes.

Bess hugged Michael, suddenly emotional. ‘You look after my cousin, won’t you?’

He nodded, serious eyes belying that easy smile. ‘You know I will. I love her.’

Something rolled over inside her. Joy, she told herself, even as she had to force herself not to watch as Jack embraced Freya. This wasn’t about her and Jack, or the fact that the love in their marriage had been all on one side. She should have known it was a recipe for heartbreak.

Instead she grinned at Michael then stepped back so the other guests could say their farewells.

Somehow she found herself standing next to Jack and those unsettled emotions ramped even higher.
