Page 45 of Love Her Always

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“It seems we haven’t had enough fun according to the boss,” she agreed, leaning further into his hold, smiling up at him more at the look he gave her. “I’m fine.”


“I am. I just won’t be riding any roller coasters again this trip,” she added, making his brow lift curiously and she turned in his hold, sliding her arms over his shoulders, grinning brightly. “It wasn’t the flu making me miserable last night. I felt right as rain this morning, and after Daddy went to work without us, I got a notification that popped up on my phone from my health app, reminding me to enter my last cycle dates. Only, it’s been over a month since I had one.”

“Are you?” Will asked, holding her gaze as a smile crossed his face, the love in his eyes wrapping around her entirely.

“I took the home test, and it was positive. Maybe this one will make us even with boys and girls,” she teased, pulling a soft groan from his lips. “You adore McKenzy, you’d kill to protect her so don’t make me think you wouldn’t want another baby girl.”

“Of course, I’d kill to protect our baby girl. She came out looking exactly like her mommy and having two of you to keep safe is hard enough, if this one’s a girl too, my ass is never leaving your side again.”

“Mmm, you know I like you next to me so that’s not going to do anything but make me hope it’s a girl, babe. Don’t you want McKenzy to have a sister to love her and that she can love the way I had Jess?” she added earning a long, slow kiss that their one-year-old little girl’s shout of juice finally interrupted, pulling laughs from both her and Will when Zack calmly told her to not yell before giving her the sippy cup they were transitioning her to use.

“Okay, it can be a girl, but my ass is going to be next to you for always, Livy,” he stated, helping her into the front seat, giving her a soft kiss before heading around to take his family out to have a fun day.

They pulled into the parking lot, and he shook his head, seeing the spot open ahead of them. Right between Jess’ and his parents’ cars.

“How long has this been planned?” he asked as the grandparents got out, opening the rear doors before he even had his seatbelt off.

“About thirty minutes after you left this morning. So about fifteen minutes learning baby number four is on the way,” she admitted with a kiss to his smiling lips.

“You have our passes still, don’t you?” Olivia asked when McKenzy and Carter were in the stroller, and Zack was nearly bouncing out of his shoes holding onto her father’s hand.

“Right here,” he said, taking them out of his suit jacket before grabbing the duffle bag for his change of clothes. He slid Zack’s over his head, dropped theirs into the organizer on the stroller, then slid his arm around her, letting the grandparents take the lead while Jess stayed back with them.

“How did you get off work so easily?” he asked Jess as they waited to get through the turnstiles, Olivia and the kids in the one next to them that had a stroller and wheelchair gate with it.

“I uh, quit last week. They were doing some really stupid stuff and I wasn’t going to risk being caught in the crosshairs when the SEC starts poking their noses into things,” she said, making his brow lift in surprise, while Olivia let out a laugh next to him.

“What she means is she wasn’t about to stick around after notifying the SEC about their serious disregard of the law. She chose to do the right thing over making a big wad of money,” Olivia stated giving him her gorgeous grin he couldn’t resist.

“Hmm, I wonder who I learned doing the right thing even if it was hard was better than doing the easy thing from?” Jess teased, sliding her arm through Olivia’s, and Will shook his head at her, stealing his wife back, stealing her smiling lips until Zack let out a groan, begging them to come on.

“Go change, I think it’s time to see if you can win me another bunny. I mean, you’ve given me everything else you said you would except the rabbits,” Olivia said as they reached the front locker space.

“You don’t have a cat or a horse, so I think he still has some work left,” Jess mused after he was back, in jeans and a tee, their extra things in the locker for later.

“Well, cats aren’t necessarily a good thing to have when it comes to babies and being pregnant with the litter boxes and all, and I’d much rather have a full baby rather than just the point four part, so that one I’ll let slide,” she joked, resting her head against Will’s shoulder as his arm wrapped around her again.

“You going to let him slide on the horse as well then?” Jess asked as they headed towards the kids’ rides area, knowing Zack wasn’t about to skip riding any of them.

“I’ll give him a few years for that one. Who knows, if we end up with two girls, they’re more likely to want it than I might,” Olivia added, pulling five sets of adult eyes around to them, stopping in the middle of the walkway.

“Two girls?” her mom said as Tara’s face lit up with hope.

“We’ll be seeing this one right around my birthday I think,” she offered, her hand sliding onto Will’s as it rested on her stomach.

“The sweetest gift ever—one of them at least,” Will agreed, and not quite eight months later, he pressed a kiss to Olivia’s forehead, his hand resting on top of hers that held their new baby girl to her chest. “It’s a good thing your desk is already in the same room as mine, baby. You all are never going to be far from my side, you know that?”

“Best place ever to be,” she said, resting her head against his chin when he slid onto the edge of the bed with them. “Thank you, for giving me the best birthdays I could ever imagine.”

“Thank you for letting me give you these sweet gifts,” he whispered, kissing the mostly faded scar on her forehead. “I love you, Livy. More than life itself, I love you and these babies you’ve given us.”

“I love you too, Will, so much. We still have to pick a name for this one though,” she reminded him, unable to put their baby girl back in the bassinette just yet despite her being asleep.

“What about Bridget? Bridget Marie, after her mommy so she knows she can be just as strong as her when she’s bigger,” he suggested, putting a light sheen of tears in her eyes. “Yes?” he asked, seeing them, smiling gently as he cupped her face, amazed he’d been able to call her his, completely his for seven incredible years now.

“Yes, I love it. We both do,” she added with a soft laugh when their baby girl let out a soft coo, stretching a hint, before falling deeper into sleep. Safe, secure, peaceful sleep that she was shortly going to join her in, her dreams protected, especially when wrapped as she almost always was, in Will’s arms.

“Let me put her down,” Will said, moving their newest love to the bassinette after holding her close, whispering all the promises to her that he did nightly to their other babies. The second his arms wrapped around her, her eyes fluttered shut, an easy calm blanketing her, and she fell asleep within seconds, a smile on her lips, that showed she was entirely his Livy, and no one would ever steal that smile from her again.
