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“I’m glad you like it,” he said with a grin. He looked her up and down again, his smile growing bigger. “Go ahead.”

Jeanette blushed. “Whatever do you mean?” she asked, feigning ignorance. Again, Jason chuckled.

“You forget I grew up with you and your cousins. You’re burning with questions. I can see it in your eyes.”

It was Jeanette’s turn to laugh, and she did so before taking another sip of her wine.

“Well, if you’re going to be blunt, then yes,” she replied coyly. “I guess I—”

“You meanwe,”Jason added, only making Jeanette’s smile grow bigger.

“Wewere wondering why you asked me out on a date.”

Jason leaned forward, grabbed his own glass, and began swirling its contents around. Jeanette noticed his posture seemed so easy and comfortable as if he were meant to be in such fancy places.

“Please don’t take this the wrong way,” he said gently, “but this is not a date. This is a thank you.”

Jeanette felt a tinge of embarrassment as a pink blush colored her pale cheeks.

“Well then, this is a pretty hefty thank you,” she replied, trying not to sound disappointed. “What did I do to earn this?”

Jason leaned forward on his elbows, as if about to share a secret.

“Keeping my crew and the others happy and fed,” he replied. “According to them, it’s what’s been missing in their work days.”

At this, Jeanette smiled and waved her hand.

“It’s been my pleasure, really. I need to keep busy. It’s good for me.”

Jason nodded his head as if he understood.

“You know, I’ve been through a divorce before,” he said, his tone changing subtly. “It’s not easy feat for anyone.”

Jeanette’s eyebrows lifted in surprise. “I had no idea. When?”

“Five or so years ago. And it still bothers me sometimes. Which is another reason why this isn’t a date. I understand how much time it takes to deal with such things.”

He paused and reached for Jeanette’s hand.

“But, when you’re finished dealing with those things, I would like to come back to the date conversation. If that would be alright with you.”

Jeanette felt her smile return, this time wider than before.

“I think that would be great,” she replied softly, squeezing his hand. As they sat in comfortable silence, taking a brief moment to take one another in, Jason’s phone let out a chime from his pocket.

“I’m so sorry,” he apologized, releasing her hand and pulling his phone out, “I forgot to turn the ringer off.” His eyes barely grazed across the screen as he switched it to silent, then suddenly, he brought it back up again, his eyebrows drawing down in concern.

“What’s wrong?” Jeanette asked, picking up on his stress. He looked back up at her with regret and concern.

“I’m so sorry,” he apologized, standing up, “I’ll need to owe you. We’ve got to go.”

Immediately, Jeanette was up, taking his offered hand.

“Why, what’s wrong?” she asked.

“That was the security camera app. Looks like our friend is back.”

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