Page 31 of The Unperfects

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I really like her.

I finally feel like I’m on a different journey.

One that wasn’t pushed for me, but one I chose.


Her teeth tug into the Twizzler, she moans, I moan internally and watch as she tucks her hair behind her one ear with her left hand like she needs more space to chew or maybe to experience.

I say nothing.

It’s so good.

I feel it.

She keeps chewing and finally finishes the Twizzler with her eyes closed, then opens them and looks at me. “What?”

“Nah, just sexy watching you eat.”

She blushes, then looks away. “Sorry, was way too hungry.”

“Same.” But not for Twizzlers. “What do you want to watch?”

Her blue eyes turn to me… they focus then unfocus like she’s thinking about something serious before responding, like she’s uncertain before she clears her throat reaches for another Twizzler and points to the TV and says, “A documentary, like something very tragic, that’s perfect.”

“Yeah, okay, so setting the mood, I feel you.”

Chloe shoves my face with her hand. “Hey, I like those kinds of shows.”

“Yes, they are extremely uplifting and sexy on your birthday, oh look death, destruction, drugs, cheating, tell me more!”

Her laugh is impossible to miss as she climbs onto me and straddles my lap. “I like learning.”

I sigh when I put my hands on her shoulders and run them down her arms. “Yes, I also like exploring.”

“Wow.” She breathes, and again her eyes seem unfocused, uncertain maybe is a better word, like she’s either dreaming or experiencing a nightmare, I can’t tell which so I start to pull back but then she grabs my wrists.

I stay midair with her gripping them tight.

Her chest rises and falls.

“You okay?” I ask. I mean, I want to add, it was only a movie, but she’s looking like this is life or death. “What’s going on?”

“You like me?” she asks, licking her bottom lip and taking a deep breath. “Right?”

I almost snort. “Yeah, obviously. I mean, my time is extremely valuable. Why would I waste time with someone I don’t like, but also, you’re funny and amazing, except for when we had ice cream, and you just bounced.”

She flinches.

“You good?” I ask.

She nods her head slowly. “So it’s me, only me?”

“It’s only ever been you for two straight weird days of insta-love and sex, why do you ask? Then again, we are young, damn, are we like the Top Gun of Seaside just jumping into things and going a million miles a minute? I’m here for it, I swear I am just—“

She painfully jerks my neck toward her and bruises my lips with her kiss. I’m gone. I’m lost, devoured by her, owned.

She pulls back suddenly. “So, what happened with her?”
