Page 8 of Pack Politics

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I make a mental note to stay on high alert, to keep my senses sharp. Because something tells me that things are about to get a whole lot more complicated.

Chapter four


ThingssettledownonceNate leaves.

Me and Milo sit around for an hour or so, watching some old action movie from Sloane's collection, then I start to nod off before telling him I'm going to hit the hay. He points me in the direction of the guest room, saying he'll sleep on the couch, and I find a perfectly made bed with tons of pillows.

It's almost like a nest.

Not thatthat'san appropriate thing to be thinking about.

Sure, I don't show it as much as Nate, but I think Sloane is a fucking bombshell. Curves for days, curly brown hair, bright and intelligent blue eyes. For so long, omegas were kept locked down by their families or their packs, and Sloane has just...overcome that. Somehow, even under the thumb of the ACB, she managed to get an education and turn into an amazing legislator.

I've got mad respect for her. Watching her work is incredible. She's the most impressive person I've ever met...and that's kind of my kink.

And even if I'm not going to act on it, fantasizing is just fine.

I'm thinking about Sloane as I go to sleep, knowing I'll have to wake up soon to take the next watch. I'm confident Nate and Milo have things covered, though; they'll keep her safe. No ACB assassin is going to come in and get her here with the three of us watching her back.

Or at least, that's what I think until I wake up to the sound of a scream.

My eyes shoot open and I bolt upright, immediately on high alert. The scream sounds like it's coming from Sloane's room, and I don't waste a second before I'm up and out the door, sprinting down the hallway. As I reach her door, I can hear the sound of a struggle coming from inside. Without a moment's hesitation, I barge in, ready for anything.

What I'm not ready for is the sight that greets me.

Sloane is on the floor, her shirt ripped open and her face contorted in pain. Standing over her is a man, his face twisted with rage and his hand raised to strike her again. For a moment, I freeze, completely stunned by what I'm seeing.

Fuck...fuck, there's a knife in his hand. Her shirt is torn because she's been stabbed.

That's when something in me snaps.

With a roar, I charge at the man, tackling him to the ground. We roll across the floor, grappling for control, and I land a solid punch to his jaw. He retaliates with a stab to my side, but I barely register the pain as adrenaline fuels my movements. I grab his wrist and twist, forcing him to drop the knife, and slam my knee into his gut.

"You fucking bastard," I growl, my voice laced with fury. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

He just sneers at me, his eyes filled with hatred. "Taking out the trash," he spits out, before launching himself at me again.

We continue to fight, each blow landing with increasing force, until finally I manage to overpower him. With one final punch to the face, he's out cold.

I pant for breath, my heart pounding in my chest, as I turn my attention back to Sloane. Milo has run into the room and is holding his hand over a wound on her forearm, his eyes wide, while Nate has just arrived in the doorway.

"What the fuck?" Milo mutters. Nate rushes in and goes to Sloane's other side, his hands on her shoulders.

"I'm so sorry," Nate mutters. "I'm so, so sorry..."

"Where did he even come from?" Milo asks. "We've had the whole place covered..."

Nate's eyes narrow and he looks just over my shoulder. "He's getting away!"

I whip around to find him stumbling toward the window and pushing himself through it. It's been open this whole time; that must have been his point of entry.

Without a second thought, I sprint towards the window, ignoring the pain in my side. I've got to stop him before he gets away. I leap out the window and land on my feet, my eyes scanning the area for any sign of him.

He's up ahead, booking it down the street as fast as he can. I grit my teeth and give chase, my legs pumping as I try to close the distance between us. He's fast, but I've got something to fight for.

