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Pretty Young Thing went back to watching something on her phone while we waited.

Ten long minutes later, my negotiator visited the receptionist again. “Please tell Mr. Forrester that in two minutes…” He checked his wristwatch. “…we will withdraw our offer and depart.”

Her chin dropped. She made a frantic, whispered call. It seemed they weren't used to being threatened here.

Less than a minute later, we were escorted into the back——all the way to the conference room adjoining the corner office, the one with Maximilian Forrester on the door in gold lettering.

I bit my tongue as we entered. Matt, my a-hole ex, was here as expected.

His attorney got up to greet us; Matt did not.

“Garth Durham, representing Ms. Hudson,” Liam’s Uncle Garth told the attorney. “And I believe you know Ms. Hudson.”

I nodded, but didn’t make a move to shake Max’s hand. I’d regretted it last time I had.

Uncle Garth reached out to shake Matt’s hand. “And you must be Matthew. I have read so much about you recently.”

Bewilderment showed on Matt’s face.

We took our seats opposite the evil duo.

Max looked at Uncle Garth with a sly smile. “I believe you said you had an offer for us?”

Uncle Garth smiled back. “That I did.” He pulled two manila folders from his briefcase. The single typewritten page of the opening offer was in the first folder; the second contained much more.

Uncle Garth pulled my phone out of his pocket. “I would like to record this meeting; is that acceptable?”

“Sure,” Max said.

Uncle Garth started the phone recording and passed the offer sheet across the table to Max.

The lawyer read quickly and started to chuckle. “This is a joke, right?”

“Not at all,” Uncle Garth responded. “You have thirty seconds to confer with your client and respond. After that, the offer is withdrawn.”

Matt grabbed for the paper and started to read. “I pay her half a million? Today? No fucking way. The bitch owes me,” he said angrily.

I rose and almost jumped across the table to scratch his eyes out. Uncle Garth quickly put a hand on my arm to hold me back.

I regained my composure and sat, reminded of Uncle Garth’s admonition to not react.

Uncle Garth ignored Matt’s outburst and addressed his lawyer. “Accept or reject?” he asked. “The next offer you receive will not be nearly so generous.” He finished his statement with a steely glare at Matt’s laughing lawyer.

“Young lady, you should've gotten yourself a better lawyer,” Max said to me.

“He's not my lawyer,” I replied.

Max’s brow creased. “Then, it’s been nice meeting you, but I think we’re done here.” He rose from his chair.

Uncle Garth remained seated. “I think we should start by discussing Matthew’s current marriage to Svetlana…” He pulled out another paper. “I believe Donkova is her maiden name. I hope I am pronouncing it correctly,” he added, now addressing Matt.

Matt slumped in his chair.

Max took his seat again. “I’m sorry, Mr. Hudson hasn’t remarried.”

Uncle Garth slid the paper across to Max. “This marriage certificate from the Bahamas indicates otherwise.”

Matt shifted in his chair. “Must be another Hudson. I’m not married.”
