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I laughed. She couldn't know how well I understood Liam's sexual proclivities, and they didn't go in that direction. I was at least certain of that.

“I'm quite sure. Look, I understand it sounds odd. I couldn't believe it when he told me. But, I trust him. And even on the downside, if this doesn't work out, we still have ten million and the voting rights. We’ll still be free to go out and sell another piece of the company to one of the other investors we’ve been talking to. But the terms won’t be as generous as his——that much I can tell you.”

Samantha nodded thoughtfully.

I had pondered this on my walk back, looking for a hole in my logic. So far I couldn't find one. And, the more I thought about it, the more I was looking forward to spending time with Liam. He was the most unusual man I had ever met, to say nothing of being perhaps the sexiest, even if I had insisted that sex was not to be part of the deal.

“So you're up for doing this prostitution thing?” Samantha asked with her brow furrowed.

“I haven’t committed yet. I’m leaning that way, but you have to stop calling it that. I'm doingconsultingfor him. Nobody else can know about this arrangement. You have to promise me that, Sam. Just you and my sister, Vivienne, of course.” I couldn’t keep this from her even if I tried.

Samantha nodded. “I still don’t like it. But you’re a big girl, so it’s your decision.”

“I can handle myself.”

I hope.

I needed to repeat that a few times mentally to convince myself. This was going to be an unusual few weeks for sure.

Liam had been right when he’d pointed out how we——I——didn’t have a choice. In retrospect, Samantha and I should have tried to raise money sooner. This was something I had to do for her and all of our employees and their families. Failure was not an option.

* * *


I lookedup from the papers on my desk and checked my watch for the hundredth time. I hadn’t been able to get Amy out of my mind last night and hadn’t slept well as a result. It had been a full day since I’d proposed investing in her company, and it shouldn’t have taken her this long to decide.

Perhaps I should have explained it differently? If I didn’t hear something soon, I’d need to call her. Like an idiot, I’d forgotten to give her a deadline.

A real rookie move.

I turned around to contemplate the skyline. I went over the conversation in my head, looking for a mistake on my part.

“Ms. Hudson and Ms. Tiffany to see you,” Veronica’s voice came from behind me.

I rotated to face the door. “Thank you. Send them in.”

The lovely Amy entered, followed by a shorter redhead, whose likeness I recognized from the Tiffany’s packaging.

Amy closed the door behind them. She wore a conservative, light gray suit today, but more importantly, a smile graced her face. A very good sign.

I rounded the desk to greet them. “Good to see you again, Amy.” I shook with her first.

“A pleasure, Mr. Quigley.”

“Liam, please,” I reminded her.

“And you must be the company namesake, Samantha Tiffany,” I said, offering my hand to the redhead. She had a firm handshake.

“Guilty as charged.”

“Samantha,” I said as she released my hand. “I think that comes from Aramaic, meaninglistener,as I recall. What a lovely name. I like it.”

Samantha rewarded me with an ear-to-ear smile. “Amy said you were a charmer.”

“Did she now?”

Amy’s face flushed.
