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I knew Matt hated cauliflower as much as I despised brussels sprouts, and that he brushed his teeth before breakfast. I didn’t know any of those things about Liam. How could I have agreed to this charade? It had sounded so easy at first. Hold hands, smile at each other, bicker a little but not too much. Now we were about to be tested, and we were woefully unprepared.

The enormity of the task hit me. Two hours from now, I might be explaining to Samantha how I’d blown it for all of us at Tiffany’s.

Chapter 14


As we pulledup to the XV Beacon Hotel adjacent to the restaurant, I contemplated how I was going to get Amy to be more comfortable accepting the compliments she truly deserved. Nothing came to me… I would have to work on it later.

The doorman opened Amy's door for her.

She stepped out while I passed the key to the valet.

Amy waited for me on the sidewalk as I instructed the valet in no uncertain terms how I expected him to treat my car.

I may have overdone it; the young man was ashen white as I left him.

Amy's brow creased. “What did you say to the poor guy?”

I placed a hand at the small of her back and guided her toward the hotel entrance. “I merely told him the car belonged to my boss, Carmen Dinunzio, and to take good care of it.”

“And he is?” she asked as I we walked to the entrance.

“The current head of the Boston Mob.”

She gasped. “How do you know that?”

We waited for a couple exiting the hotel. “Wikipedia, naturally, and they must be right. The guy nearly pissed his pants when I told him.”

Amy bumped against me. “You're terrible.”

“Whatever works,” I told her as I held the glass door open. My gut tightened as I caught sight of my little redheaded shadow across the street, watching us. I followed Amy inside, controlling my urge to chase the little camera-toting minx. Instead, I guided my date to the elevators and punched the up button.

Amy hesitated when the door opened. “I don’t think I’m ready for this.”

“You’ve totally got this. Don’t worry,” I told her.

We moved aside, making room for another couple to take the elevator.

The doors closed with her still looking terrified. “What if I blow it?”

I pushed the button to call another car. “Don’t worry, Sunshine. I have faith in you.”

The second set of elevator doors opened shortly after, and Amy entered the car with me following. “I thought we were going to Mooo. Isn’t it next door?”

“Yes,” I told her. “But they also have private dining rooms upstairs in the hotel, and this was Schmulian’s idea.

She shrugged her shoulders at my answer. “What kind of name is Schmulian anyway?”

“They’re originally from South Africa.”

After we arrived upstairs, I located the door and knocked.

Hubricht Schmulian opened the door and welcomed us in.

I was immediately nuzzled by a large yellow Labrador with a vigorously wagging tail. I knelt down to greet the dog.

“That’s Zeke. Don’t worry, he’s harmless,” Hubricht told us as the dog finished licking my face and went over to sniff up Amy’s skirt.
