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“Not nearly as awesome as you tonight,” he said looking over with a smile.

He had done it again, complimenting me needlessly.

“You have to stop that. It’s embarrassing.”

“Isn’t that what a true boyfriend does?” he asked as we turned onto Somerville Avenue, toward downtown.

“Not any boyfriend I ever had.” I tried in vain to recall anytime Matt had been so complimentary more than a week after we’d married. Gushy sweet compliments hadn’t been his thing, not ever.

Liam patted my thigh. “I’m sorry you never had a decent boyfriend, then. Trust me, it is the way a proper gentleman treats a lady.”

“Maybe in California, but not out here.”

He laughed. “What? Are the laws of chivalry dead in Boston?”

“If you do it again to embarrass me, I’m going to get you back…somehow.”

“You need to lighten up, Sunshine, and learn to accept a compliment like a lady.”

He was probably right. But I wasn’t a lady in his sense of the term. Not by a long shot. But the argument wasn’t one worth having right now.

I amused myself by watching the pedestrians we passed turn to look at the car as it announced itself with the unmistakable growl of a powerful V-12.

As Liam accelerated away from a light, the effect happened farther and farther ahead of us. People were drawn to the sound and watched this car. We passed an old man who didn’t turn his head. His hearing aid battery had probably gone dead.

In no time, we crossed the Charles River into Boston proper. Liam hadn’t spoken since I’d scolded him for being nice to me.

I turned to him. “I’m sorry. You’re right. I’ll try to be more understanding of your west coast quirks.”

He smiled. “No worries, Sunshine. I know you’re really a lady, even when you don’t act like one.” He had done it again, telling me off and being complimentary at the same time.

I put my hand on his crotch and stroked.

He squirmed as the weapon in his pants started to stir. “What are you doing?”

“I told you I’d get you back if you kept it up. I dare you to go to this dinner with a hard-on.”

He grabbed my hand and pulled it away. “Behave yourself, Sunshine. Boundaries, remember?”

“Right,” I said, ashamed that I’d already screwed up.

“I’ll try to restrain myself, okay?” he asked.

“Deal,” I replied. I stopped struggling, and he let go of my hand. I had won this round. “What’s the strategy for tonight?”

“No strategy. This is a meet and greet, an opportunity for them to get to know us a little. The only key to convey tonight is that you and I are serious about each other.”

Now I was concerned. I had moved up a notch from girlfriend toseriousgirlfriend, and we’d only had time to learn the superficial things about one another.

“How serious?”

“Serious enough. We’ve been seeing each other for seven months now.”

I knew I should have cut off his wine last night. He was already forgetting details. “You’ve already screwed up, Mr. Bigshot. It’s only been five months. I blew you off for the first two remember?”

“Right. Most painful two months of my life.”

This is going to be a disaster.

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