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“Liam, I need to get into work early. Can I come in?”

I faced away from the glass shower door. “Sure. But no peeking.” I willed my hard-on to go down with no luck. It never worked when I needed it to.

I heard Amy start the water at the sink. A quick peek revealed she was brushing her teeth——and leaning over in only a T-shirt, which rode up almost to her ass cheeks. The view only made my problem worse. Imagining the view with the shirt up another two inches almost did me in. She had the cutest ass and the sweetest pussy. She had no idea what she did to me walking around in the morning with a T-shirt shorter than a miniskirt.

I smiled at her in the mirror, and she smiled back with toothpaste escaping her lips. I turned the water cold and put my head under the spray, a move I instantly regretted. The shivering followed quickly.

“I found it hard waking up this morning. What about you?” she asked.

Of course I’d found my dick hard this morning, but that wasn’t what she meant. “No worse than any other day,” I said over my shoulder. My dick had been screaming for release, and this morning was the worst yet, but I had promised to obey her boundaries, and a promise was a promise no matter how ill conceived.

What had I been thinking?

“I’ll be back when you’re done,” she said.

I waved without looking. When I turned, she had gone. The cold water was slowly having the desired effect and things were shrinking. I turned off the water, grabbed a towel, and dried off as I walked around the corner into my closet. Gooseflesh had erupted all over my body. I was ready to nominate hot water as man’s greatest invention.

“Shower’s all yours,” I called.

Living here with her mere feet away, yet untouchable tortured me. Every glance in her direction brought a smile to my face and a jerk to my cock. Every word out of her mouth enchanted me.

I’d kept my promise to respect her boundaries, but this had become more than that. Talking with her each evening was now something I looked forward to. For her I’d broken my rule about bringing a woman to the penthouse. Now she had me questioning my no-relationship rule as well.

Could there be anusafter the Springbok deal? Or was this merely a job, a work milestone to be reached so she could go back to her normal life——one where I was only a memory? I couldn’t read her.

She had been good natured about this arrangement, only joking occasionally about my idiosyncrasies and even tolerating my total lack of cooking or cleaning skills. That’s why they’d invented pizza delivery, right?

Moseying into the kitchen, I pulled out the frying pan and sprayed it with oil. I had learned French toast was one of her favorites, and that’s what I would surprise her with today.

I’d managed a dry run yesterday afternoon while she made a trip back to her apartment for more clothes. The pieces had come out too dark on my first try, and better, but not good enough, on my second. I could remedy it this morning with a lower setting on the stove. The disposal in the sink had eaten the evidence of yesterday’s attempts without complaint, and a thorough cleanup of my mess, plus opening the windows to air the place out had kept my cooking experiment a secret.

She hadn’t suspected a thing when she returned. We’d spent the evening watching back-to-back Bond flicks. She choseCasino Royalein deference to my car, and I choseNever Say Never Again. Sean Connery regretted the decision he’d made to quit the Bond character and came back to make that movie, and I regretted agreeing to Amy’s boundaries. I wanted a do-over.

* * *


This roleas Liam’s girlfriend should have been easy, but it was proving to be the opposite. I’d seen him in the mirror this morning as I approached the bathroom——cock in hand, jerking off while leaning against the shower wall. Luckily he’d faced the wall once I entered and hadn’t invited me to join him under the water.

If he had, I wasn’t sure I would have been able to say no. My nipples had peaked as I’d rinsed my mouth and caught his nice ass in the mirror. Had it been a mistake to insist on keeping this professional and platonic? The memories of our first and only night together hadn’t faded. If anything, they had gotten more vivid with his daily closeness. My big mistake had been agreeing to move into his penthouse, but once I’d accepted the challenge, how could I back out? And how could I explain it to Samantha if I did?

I chose the sapphire earrings for today. Liam had bought two more pairs for me since I’d moved in with him, sapphire and diamond. Each set came in a small, red Cartier box. Refusing them had become impossible, and his taste was excellent. I could get used to this fake kept-woman role with all these presents.

I found him out on the patio after I finished dressing.

He turned as I opened the sliding glass door. The lion was back. His eyes appraised me from head to toe and back again, stopping perceptibly at my chest. His warm, genuine smile grew as I approached. I had yet to catch him on a bad day. He was like something out of an old-time movie. He stood when I reached the table——a table set with a cooked breakfast instead of his usual cold cereal.

I took my seat, and he retook his. I still had trouble acclimating to his sense of manners.

“French toast? You didn’t tell me you knew how to make this.”

He hadn’t seemed capable of anything beyond microwave dinners a week ago, and I hadn’t seen him eat anything but cereal in the morning.

“Only the best for you, Sunshine. You’re my spark of nature’s fire. Amazing what you can learn on YouTube these days.”

I couldn’t always understand his compliments…spark of nature’s fire?
