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“What's the hurry to get into work this morning?” he asked.

I helped myself to a bit of maple syrup. “An investor meeting, actually two.”

His eyes narrowed. “Keeping your options open, eh?”

“You only gave us ten of the twenty we were looking for. I need to keep working on the other half until it's in the bank.” I cut into my French toast and forked a piece into my mouth. It was delicious.

He took a sip of his green smoothie.

I was making him eat better, and kale smoothies in the morning were part of that.

“Not confident in your ability? Or in my fairness?” he asked.

I couldn't tell if he was truly hurt or merely curious. “I couldn't live with myself if I didn't cover all the bases and have a backup plan. Would you do any less?”

He considered his answer for a moment. “No, probably not. Who is today's prospect?”

I contemplated whether it was proper to tell him who the competition was. Although, they weren’t actually competition. He’d put his money in and was a shareholder in our company now. He would also benefit if we brought in more capital.

“Two, actually,” I told him. “Winterbourne Group in the morning and Lighthouse Funding in the afternoon.”

“First meeting or third for Winterbourne?” he asked, spearing a strawberry with his fork.

I finished chewing. “First. Why?”

“Just judging how much time we have together,” he said sipping more smoothie. “They'll cancel this meeting, so we have plenty of time.”

I didn't understand the comment and let it slide.

We finished our breakfast, with him filling me in on more of his family’s history. We were slowly learning about each other.

He pointed to the bridge of his nose. “You see this?” It was the almost imperceptible flaw that had made his face seem so attractive that first night. “I got my nose broken defending my sister’s honor back in high school.”

I laughed. “Defending her honor? What does that mean? Did somebody call her a bad name?”

“No. Nothing like that. She was hanging out with this bad sort; his name was Nick. I came around the corner and he had his hand up her shirt. I just lost it. That was my baby sister he was getting handsy with.”


“And he was a better fighter than me. I ended up on the ground with blood pouring out of my nose and my sister screaming at me. Pretty humiliating actually, but I got even. I got him kicked out of school the next day.”

“Ever the gentleman, I see, protecting your little sister.”

He smiled. “Yeah, after that I took self-defense training a lot more seriously, I can tell you that.”

He cleared the table.

I checked the guest bedroom.

He had made the bed again for me. A man who didn’t mind helping with the dishes, made beds, and gave out compliments like Halloween candy——how much more perfect could he be?

“I’ll meet you out front,” he told me as he left to get the car.

My phone dinged with an incoming text as I reached the street.

SAM: Morning meeting off – they just texted

Containing my amusement to a smile, I slid into the passenger seat and showed Liam the phone after his doorman closed the door for me.
