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“I just wanted to get another drink.”

“Liar,” he said with a smirk.

He was right, but I hoped he couldn't guess the rest. His hand made the journey the rest of the way between us as he placed it atop mine.

The sparks from his touch ignited in me. I didn’t pull back. His hand had welded mine in place.

“I dare you to tell me something honest,” he said.

Truth or dare time had arrived.

I tried to look away but was unable to break free of the lion’s gaze. “I think you're sexy,” I blurted out.

His mouth fell open.

I quickly grabbed my drink, along with the one Russ had mixed for my sister, and retreated to our table before I made an even bigger fool of myself.

Those eyes. That voice.

My words had escaped before my brain-to-mouth filter could catch them. Well, at least it was the truth. I'm sure he'd been told the same by lots of women, but I couldn't believe I had said it. It was so un-Amy of me. It was a Vivienne line, my little sister with the unfiltered mouth.

Vivienne cocked her head as I sat. “From here it looked like it was going well. Why are you back? Is he gay?”

“What was I supposed to do? Pull up my skirt and bend over the bar?”

“Well, that’s one way, but I was thinking something a little less direct.” She attacked her drink and guzzled half of it.

I giggled. “I was pretty lame.” I’d gotten his name and not gotten my head bitten off. It wasn’t quite as scary as I had expected. The banter had been fun, right until I went all high-school.

“Well, at least you’re smiling now that you talked to a man. Think how much brighter your disposition would be if you’d fucked him,” she said with a grin. “You should have kept at it. I know you can do it if you try hard enough.”

“Sex isn’t the only thing,” I told her.

It certainly wasn’t going to make my alimony payments.

“Yeah, but good sex makes everything else better,” Vivienne said, raising her glass to me.

“Well said,” a man’s baritone announced. The smooth voice that had entranced me minutes ago came from over my shoulder.

I looked back to find Liam standing behind me, and I wondered how much of our conversation he had heard.

“I think you’re sexy too,” he said, fixing me in place with those liquid caramel eyes. “And I think you should give me your number, Amy.”

Vivienne quickly finished her drink. “Oops, I realized I’m late for an appointment,” she said, grabbing her purse and standing.

“I’ll come along,” I said.

Liam placed a firm hand on my shoulder, keeping me seated. “No, you won’t.”

“I won’t?” I asked like an idiot. I didn’t need permission.

“You’re staying here with me for a while. I’d like to learn a little more about Amy.”

Vivienne’s smile was ear-to-ear. “Sounds like a plan,” she said before she scooted off.

And then I found myself alone with a man who was asking to hear about me instead of talking non-stop about himself, or the Celtics.

He took Vivienne’s seat across from me with a smile that heated me all the way to my toes.
