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I spanked his ass hard. I realized the problem now: his phobia, his stupid rule about never saying you’re sorry.

“You big wimp, you. You’re scared to apologize and admit you were wrong. That’s it, isn’t it?”

“I’m… I just don’t think he’ll help me.”

I resumed my back rub, farther up. “Get over your little apology phobia, say you’re sorry a few dozen times, and ask. He’s family. He’ll help.”

“You don’t know him. He’s not much on helping.”

I moved between his shoulder blades. “Is your sister, Katie, an idiot?”

“Of course not.”

I pressed my thumbs in harder. “He must be okay if she married him, right?”

“Everybody makes mistakes.”

“He’s married to your sister, for Christ’s sake. Make the call. If he doesn’t help you, I’ll call Katie, and he won’t be getting any for a month. That’ll change his mind.”

That made him laugh. “Okay, I’ll call tomorrow.”

He didn’t realize I was deadly serious about calling his sister if he didn’t get the help he needed. Us women needed to stick together to get our men to be reasonable sometimes.

“Don’t wimp out on me, Liam Quigley. It’s three hours earlier out there. Give him a call now.”

The timer went off for our dinner.

“Saved by the bell,” I told him. “After dinner, okay?” I got up to tend to the food.

“You’re awfully bossy tonight.”

“It’s in the job description. If you don’t like bossy, stop being a pussy and do what you have to do.”

He came over to kiss me. “Thank you for the truth you helped me see.”

His words sometimes sounded more like poetry than conversation. During dinner, his demeanor was somewhat improved, but he still wasn’t completely back to the old Liam, king of the jungle.

* * *


After dinner,I closed the door to my office and stared at the contact I had pulled up on my phone. Taking a deep breath, I dialed Katie.

“Liam, it’s so good to hear from you. I hear you have a new girl?” she said when she answered.

“What girl?” I asked, trying to sound surprised.

“Amy, of course. Uncle Garth told me a little about her. I’m so happy for you.”

I rolled my eyes. “Thanks, but more on that later. Right now I need your help.”

“Sure,” she said. “What do you need?”

“I need…” I paused to put the right words together. “I need your help convincing Nick to help me with something.” Since I’d gotten him kicked out of high school, I was likely the last person Nick wanted to help.

“Don’t be silly. Nick’s right here. You ask him yourself.”

“Katie,” I pleaded, but she didn’t hear me.
