Page 15 of Lucky's Streak

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Something about the way he says this penetrates through my panic, and I listen to his breathing as I focus on my own. After some time, I finally settle back down.

“Good girl, Chels,” he murmurs and presses a kiss to my forehead. “You okay now, baby?”

Unable to use words, I nod.

Lucky takes that as his answer and surprises me by pulling away, getting out of the bed, and reaching for me, pulling me out of the bed and scooping me in his arms. “Now, we’re gonna shower. Seems in order to get you to understand I’m dead serious that I mean what I say, I’m gonna have to show you. And I intend to do just that.”

With that said he tilts his head down enough to brush his lips against mine as he heads for the bathroom. I guess he’s done with the conversation for now and isn’t going to let me go.

A part of me wants to believe him about proving he wants me. The other part thinks he’s full of it and playing me. I’m torn between the two and decide for the time being, until I get back home, to go with it. See what happens. Only time can tell if he’s telling the truth or not.



Sitting next to Chelsea in the car, I keep glancing over to her to ensure she’s good. She’s been silent since we hit the road. For that matter, she’s been silent all damn day.

After this morning and the way she acted, flipping out of me, ending up in a damn near panic attack, I realize even more what I have on my hands. She’s tough as hell, a total ball buster, but that doesn’t mean she’s not vulnerable. Chelsea feels deep. Probably deeper than most people, and I fucked up with her. Hurt her in a way, I’m gonna have to show her I mean what I say.

It’s something else I came to conclude, with her actions speak louder than words.

I’ll figure out something that will prove it to her, but for now, I just need to get her back home.

Our late morning and through the afternoon was one hardship after another. The whole time I struggled with wanting to throw Chelsea over my knee and spank her ass or fucking her the way I want to.

Chelsea explained everything that happened from the time she talked to Storm on the phone and decided to step outside. The prospect had already gotten on the elevator, and it closed when she stepped back.

I don’t know what the damn prospect was thinking not waiting for her to get on or not holding the damn thing when she didn’t step in with him. I don’t like it, but at the hospital I’d spoken with him myself and know he’s feeling his fuck up. Grinder explained the prospect was Quake’s little brother. He said there was no way in hell the kid would do anything to fuck up his chance at being in the club. Since Grinder was sure about it, I trusted his judgment.

While we’d been at the hospital, Chelsea spent some time with her mom, who’d finally woken up this morning. This was good. I didn’t want to have to take Chelsea away without knowing her mom would be okay.

Driver and I also had it out, and he’d given me the papers after I told him I wasn’t letting her go and admitted to him my fuck up where she’s concerned. Of course, the bastard had to make a threat against my balls if I hurt her again. I also agreed to hand them over personally if I did. I also told him to remember I’m going to fuck up with her, but I’m not going to intentionally hurt her. Not like this. Never again. Not now that I’ve taken my head out of my ass.

I also ended up on the phone with Luka who informed me that he was going to be meeting me at the clubhouse to officially meet his sister-in-law. Talk about invasion of privacy. I’m guessing either Blow or Nines told him just to fuck with me. Luka knows me and he’ll be demanding to know what the hell I was doing and thinking.

For instance, when she and I tied the knot, I wasn’t thinking, just with my dick. I also wasn’t thinking when I said what I said then gave her those papers. I also didn’t think when I figured she’d have signed them and turned them in. Now, I’ve got them in my cut, and when I get back to the clubhouse, I intend to not just tear the damn pages to a million pieces, I’m gonna burn them so they won’t exist anymore. And I’ll be doing this with her watching. This is one way I can show her just how serious I am.

“Can you stop soon? I’m getting hungry.”

I clear my throat and pushing my thoughts away for the time being. Chelsea’s finally spoken to me, even if it’s asking me to get her something to eat.

“Yeah, baby, we’ll get you something to eat,” I answer. “Griz had already mapped out a good burger joint up head about thirty more minutes we’re already planning on stopping at. Think you can wait that long?”

“Sure,” she mutters and goes back to staring out the window.

“What’s going through that mind of yours?” I don’t want her to stop talking just yet.

“I don’t know.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I notice her shrug when she answers.

“How did it go with your mom?”

I figure start there, and she’ll talk.

“She was still white as a ghost, but she’ll be okay. Mom’s a fighter.”

“If she’s anything like you, then I can believe that for sure.” I reach across the space between us, and grab her hand, giving it a squeeze.
