Page 20 of Lucky's Streak

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“She’s who she is, Lucky,” Nines remarks. “As pissed as we all are with her, she did what she did because she cares for the club. I get that.”

I spin to face him, curling my lip in frustration. “If it were Meadow who we’re talking about, tell me how the fuck would you handle it?”

“Gotta say, brother, I’m not sure because if it were Meadow, she wouldn’t put herself in this predicament.” Nines shrugs. “She’s not fearless like Chelsea. Yeah, my woman is strong-willed and stands her ground, but she’s not like Chelsea. No one is. She’s got a set of woman balls on her made of steel.”

“Ain’t that the fuckin’ truth.” I grunt, slamming my fist against the punching bag. “She could have gotten herself killed. Or worse, taken, raped, and then killed.”

“But we know what’s going on now. We also can put an end to the bullshit she was doing and keep her ass from ending up taken, raped, and killed.” Blow steps in closer, eyes hardening further. “We’re not gonna be able to bubble wrap her, Lucky, but we can keep her ass out of the line of fire now that we know what she’s been up to.”

“Keeping her ass out of the line of fire ain’t gonna be easy,” I point out.

“Fuckin’ know that.”

I nod and slam my fist against the bag a few more times.

“You gonna be able calm down enough to talk to your woman?” Shiner asks.

Letting out a breath, I drop my arms and shake my head as I answer, “Yeah. I’ll talk to her and see if there’s anything else she’s keeping from us.”

“There’s nothing else to hide.”

I twist to look in the direction of Chelsea’s voice to find her glaring my way, a bag in her hands. “Where do you think you’re going?” I demand.

“I’m going to my room,” she snaps, her face a mask of anger and hurt. “I just came in here to tell Blow that Storm needs his help.” She starts to turn away but stops and meets my gaze head-on. “And for the record, Lucky, I’m not your woman. I never was and never will be, so you can stop being pissed because there’s nothing to be pissed about.”

Those words penetrate through my brain as I watch her walk away. My dick makes itself known at the way her hips sway. My hands itch to get my hands on her ass. My jaw clenches, and my anger grows, but not in the same way as before.

“Brother, you got your hands full with her,” Nines grumbles, slapping a hand over my shoulder.

“You’re gonna have to figure that shit out soon before she tries to do something that seriously gets her ass in trouble,” Blow remarks and starts in the direction Chelsea went, but I know he’s heading for his woman.

When it comes to Storm and those kids, he’ll stop whatever he’s doing to see to them. I think about the way he nearly fucked up where she’s concerned. The way things could have turned out if he hadn’t talked her around.

With how stubborn Chelsea is, I’m not sure I’ll be able to do what he did. I already knew when it came to her, I’d have to use my actions in order to prove to her that I meant what I said . . . that she’s mine.

Letting out a frustrated breath, I stalk after her. There’s no way in hell she’s staying in another room than mine. I’m not about to let her be away from me for one single night. We’ve already spent enough time apart as it is.

She’s not about to get away with this on top of the shit she’s already in trouble with me over.

I catch her around the waist just before she can go into her room, spin her around, bend, and put her stomach to my shoulder. I straighten, take her up with me, and make my way farther down the hall to my room. All the while, Chelsea screams.

“Put me down, Lucky.” She slaps my ass and kicks her legs.

“Settle down,” I order, my voice harsh.

“No, Lucky, damnit, put me down.”

Using my free hand, I slap her ass with a loud cracking sound that causes her to scream.

“I said settle down.”At my door, I open it, step through, and come to a halt at the woman on my bed. Not just a woman, but a fallen harlot I’d yet to fuck. “What the fuck?” I snarl.

“Oh my God,” Chelsea shrieks and kicks harder as she pushes upward, trying to escape. “Lucky, put me fucking down. Now.”

“Not happening,” I grind out and narrow my gaze at the bitch on my bed. “What the fuck are you doing in my room, Lacey?”

“I swear to God, Lucky, if you don’t put me down, I’m going to make you regret it by giving you the worst wedgie you’ll ever experience,” Chelsea snaps.

“I won’t ask again, Lacey,” I warn, putting Chelsea down and wrapping an arm tight around her to keep her from leaving the room.
