Page 102 of Under the Stars

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My chest squeezed at his words.

“I didn’t know you were so into surprises.”

His eyes softened. “I never have been. Never cared about Valentine’s Day. Never thought birthdays were that big of a deal. But celebrating the day that you came into the world—” He paused and looked away for a moment before his eyes returned to mine. “It’s my new favorite day of the year, Tink.”

My breath lodged in my throat.

The love that I felt for this man was something I never knew was possible. It was everything. I never knew my heart could completely belong to another person, but it did.

He teased my entrance with the tip of his erection before he moved forward, slowly, his dark eyes locked with mine as he filled me. Inch by glorious inch.

The feel of him bare was indescribable.

His hands found mine and intertwined our fingers, holding them just above my head.

My eyes squeezed shut, and I gasped once he was all the way in.

“Eyes on me, baby.” His voice was strained yet commanding.

My gaze snapped open and locked with his.

It was more intense as we watched one another and found our rhythm. His large hands still covered mine, and something shifted between us. A love so strong that I didn’t think either one of us saw this coming.

“I fucking love you,” he said. “You know that, right?”

“Yes, of course. I love you so much,” I whispered.

Sensation built, and our pace quickened. He released one of my hands so he could slide his fingers between our bodies, knowing exactly where to touch me.

Exactly what I needed.

My back arched, and I groaned.

And I exploded again. My body was exhausted and exhilarated all at the same time.

He pumped into me once more.


And then he growled my name as he followed me into oblivion.

Our breaths were labored, and once we both calmed down, he pulled out of me and went to the bathroom. He returned with a towel and pressed it between my legs. It was warm and soothing, and he took his time cleaning me up.

The doorbell rang, and I startled. “Who’s here?”

“It’s your first present. Get dressed and meet me out there.” He tugged his joggers on before pulling his Harvard hoodie over his head, glancing over to wink at me as he slipped out of the room.

I hurried to my feet and got dressed as quickly as I could. As I pulled my hair into a bun, I glanced down at my phone to see multiple texts in the sibling group chat.


Happy Birthday to my favorite sister! I hope you and Bossman are doing all sorts of naughty things to kick off your special day. And Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone else.


Why in the motherfucking hell would you put that in a group text? May you never do naughty things with anyone, Georgie. But Happy Birthday. I’m endlessly proud of you and love you. Happy Valentine’s Day to the rest of you romantic saps.

