Page 104 of Under the Stars

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“You got me pickleball gear!” I squealed. “You really do love me.”

He tugged me into his arms. “I mean, you’re the county champ, right?”

“Damn straight, Bossman. Thank you. So, what’s Sal doing here?”

“Hugh gave me his number, and we’ve already met a few times before today, but he needed to get a few more measurements before they break ground next week.”

“Measurements for what?”

“I’m having a pickleball court put in the backyard for you. So, you can play whenever you want now.” What in the absolute hell had I done to deserve this man?

He never tried to change me. He loved me just the way I was.

I lunged into his arms as he lifted me off the floor, and my legs wrapped around his waist.

“I don’t know what I did to deserve you, but I feel like the luckiest girl in the world.”

“I’m the lucky one, Tink.” He kissed me. “And you’ll get your Valentine’s gift tonight.”

“I already have everything I want right here.”

And that was the truth.

* * *

Maddox and I had picked up takeout from Reynolds’, and he refused to tell me where he was taking me.

We talked and drove up the mountain a bit, and I quickly figured out what he was up to.

“Are you taking me to the pond?” I asked with a chuckle.

It was as if someone had literally climbed inside my head and shared every single thing that I would want and put it all into one day.

He pulled down the dirt road, which made it clear that he’d been here before. I saw two trucks coming from the opposite direction, which was surprising because there was never traffic up here.

“I don’t know how all these people know about the pond. It’s pretty private. Only the locals know about this place, and no one comes up here at night,” I said, watching as they both passed us on the narrow road.

He just smiled and kept driving. When we came around the corner, my mouth fell open. There were twinkle lights in the trees that surrounded the pond. It had always been my favorite place to sneak away to.

The place I’d first learned to skate.

Sometimes I’d drive here when I was in high school, park my car, and just bundle up and listen to music out here and daydream.

It was always so clear at night, and the stars danced in the distance when I looked out the window.

There was a large blanket and candles placed in a line down the dirt path toward the frozen pond.

“It’s so beautiful,” I whispered.

“That’s what those guys were setting up for us.” He winked.

“Is it a fire hazard?”

He barked out a laugh. “The candles are on batteries, Tink. Hugh gave me some good ideas for how to light the place up at night.”

“I still need to give you your gift, but now I feel like a crappy girlfriend because I didn’t transform your favorite spot and turn it into a winter wonderland.” I reached over the seat to grab the package when we came to a stop a few feet from where our blanket was.

“Don’t be ridiculous. You gave me my gift this morning.” He waggled his brows when he turned to face me.
