Page 67 of Under the Stars

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“We’ll figure it out as we go. But right now, I want to take you home,” he said, his voice deep and commanding.

You don’t have to ask me twice.I’d fantasized about this man for weeks.

“Sounds fair. I need to tell my brother and Lila something, and this is sort of a secret, right? Isn’t that how flings work?”

He groaned. “Are they going to report us to human resources? Not that it really matters, seeing as I own the company.”

“Of course not. They’re already suspicious because they can’t mind their own business. But they would never tell anyone. They know it’s not anything big. But why is it a secret if you own the company anyway?” I rolled my eyes as I stared up at him. I wasn’t about to tell him that they fully spied on us when we were outside and I climbed him like a spider monkey. The man would probably freak out. I moved to the bathroom to pack up my toiletries, and he followed.

“There’s no sense involving people when it’s temporary, right? We’ve got a few days off work, so aren’t you the one who said we should take it one day at a time?” He stood behind me, and I looked up at the mirror to see his brows furrowed as he studied me. It was obvious that this was not something he was used to discussing.

“Yes. However, you just packed a bag for me to come stay with you for a couple of days. So, you’ve already changed the rules.”

“Fuck the rules. We can make up our own as we go.”

“I like the way you think, Bossman.” I moved back out to the room, and he took my toiletries and dropped them into the pink bag. I typed out a quick text to Lila, asking her to find the right way to let my brother know I’d be gone for a few days with my boss.

She sent back a bunch of head exploding and fire emojis, which made me laugh.

“You ready?” he asked, as he shoved his hands into his pockets.

“I was born ready.” I chuckled because this was really happening. And I wasn’t nervous or anxious or even letting myself overthink the fact that I was about to have sex with my boss.

Who also happened to be the sexiest man I’d ever met.

Plus, I figured he was probably experienced, so he’d know his way around a woman’s body, unlike the other guys I’d dated over the years.

He slung my duffle bag over his shoulder and opened the door. I turned around to lock the door, and the snow was still falling. He surprised me by wrapping an arm around my shoulder and pulling me close as he hurried me to his car like I was going to freeze if I stayed out here one more minute.

Maddox Lancaster was full of surprises. He could be very thoughtful when he wanted to be.

He helped me into the car and reached for my buckle, which I tugged from his hand. “I’ve got it.” I certainly didn’t need the man spoiling me over something that would be over before we returned to work after the holidays.

This was my first fling.

I was a modern-day woman, but I’d always been in a relationship with the person I was having sex with.

But those relationships had hardly turned out, so maybe this would be the answer to all my romantic problems.

Find a guy you like to hang out with and have sex with him a couple of times.

How hard could that be?

No pun intended.

“I’m glad you’re here, Tink.” He cleared his throat as we drove the short distance to his house, before glancing over at me when he pulled into his garage and turned off the car. It was clear that he was uncomfortable about the whole thing.

“I thought you were a player?” I said, gaping at him.

“What the fuck are you talking about? I am.”

“Well, why do you seem so…” I shrugged as a wide grin spread across my face. “Awkward. Isn’t this sort of your thing?”

He rolled his eyes. “First of all, nothing about this ismy thing.I don’t talk about having sex with a woman. We just do it. It’s just sort of known the moment that we get together. Everything about this is different.You’redifferent. So, I don’t want to traumatize you or fuck this up.”

I unbuckled my seat belt and slid across the seat and onto his lap. “I hardly think you rocking my world is going to traumatize me. Come on. I thought you didn’t have a working heart. Don’t go all soft on me now.”

He thrust into my bottom. “You don’t ever need to worry about anything about me being soft.”
