Page 66 of On the Shore

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I was as offended for her as I was for myself. First, her accusing me of not knowing what I want and then her saying that I’m only interested in her because she’s the only thing here in Cottonwood Cove.

What the fuck was her deal?

She reached for a napkin and wiped her face, turning her back to me.

“I can’t believe you did that,” she whispered.

My chest squeezed because she was all over the fucking place, and I didn’t know what the hell I was doing when it came to her. I moved closer just as she turned around and aimed the can of whipped cream at me and sprayed me in the face.

“Take that, sucker. You have no idea who you’re dealing with, Lincoln Hendrix!” She ran to the other side of the island, holding the can in her hand, her eyes wild and full of fire. She was laughing hysterically, and I couldn’t help but do the same.

I swiped the whipped cream away from my eyes and shook my head.

I reached for my plate of pie, carrying it with me as I moved around the island that sat between us. Her chest was rising and falling, and our labored breaths filled the air around us.

I stalked toward her, almost predatory.

The way I wanted this woman wasn’t anything I’d ever experienced before.

“Put the whipped cream down,” I said, closing the distance between us.

She studied me, setting the can on the counter.

I stood right in front of her, my gaze locked with hers. “Open your mouth.”

“Someone’s feeling full of himself.” Her voice was barely a whisper.

I raised a brow, waiting for her to do as I said. Her mouth fell open, and I scooped up some pie and fed it to her. She groaned as she sealed her lips around the fork before I pulled it out, and she chewed slowly.

“I always know what I want. You think because I haven’t had a relationship recently that it means that I’m incapable? That’s never been my problem.”

“So, what’s your problem, Captain?” she asked, her voice sexy as hell.

“I haven’t found anyone worth doing it with. There was Jaqueline, but it was doomed from the start,” I said, taking a bite of pie for myself before I moved the fork back to her sweet mouth.

“Why was that? Because life on the road makes it impossible? Because you have endless women dropping to their knees for you?”

I studied her. She liked to act tough, but she was fucking scared. “We had nothing in common. There was no conversation. No laughter.”

“Just hot sex and lots of it, right?” She pursed her lips and squared her shoulders.

“Sure. It was just sex. We both have our pasts. I have nothing to hide. The sex was fine, but at the end of the day, that got old. As did her annoying desire for attention and the spotlight.” I set the plate down on the counter. “That’s why I normally keep my relationships casual. I have never craved the company of a woman—until now.”

“Really? I’m supposed to believe that you crave me?” She tried to act unaffected, but her cheeks pinked, and I noticed her breaths were coming fast again.

“Yes. Because I do.”

“You’ll get bored. So, we can agree to a one-night thing, because I can’t deny that I want you, too. But that’s all it is. One night, then we go back to working together and pretend it never happened.”

“Not happening,” I said as my hand moved to the side of her neck, my thumb stroking along her jawline. “It’s all or nothing.”

Was I really fucking turning down one night with her?

This was a first.

She stepped back and shook her head. “Why are you messing with my head?”

“Am I?”
