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But I’m not. I’m still sore about Lexi dating Dylan, even though I have no right to be, and I’m sick of women hitting on me because of who I am, and even though I’m in a severe sex drought, I don’t have plans of ending it anytime soon.

“Anyway, I have an idea,” Rowan says. “Ruby can watch the puppy for the day while we look for a reputable dog sitter who can spend time with him during the day and start working on training. We’ll do the gift giving at the hospital tomorrow instead, if that works with your schedule.”

For a room full of sick kids? “I’ll make it work,” I promise her. Rowan climbs in the car and we drive over to Ruby’s apartment, which is about twenty blocks south of Rowan’s. The puppy nestles in Rowan’s lap the whole time, and she pets its head, making soft cooing noises.

Ruby is waiting outside, bouncing with excitement. Rowan climbs out, cradling Puck. Ruby rushes over to us, greeting the puppy with shrieks of joy. “I love you more than anything in the world.” she cries.

“I’m right here,” Rowan says with annoyance.

“I know. You’re in between me and my puppy.” Ruby scoops it up and climbs into the back seat, hugging Puck and kissing him on the head. Rowan gets in the back and sits next to her sister so she can pet the puppy. Wow. Chick magnet, indeed.

Half an hour later, we are at my apartment building. It isn’t until we are in the elevator that I remember that my apartment’s turned into kind of a pigsty lately. I fired my last maid when I caught her taking pictures of my apartment—no doubt to sell to the tabloids—and I haven’t hired a new one since.

We walk in the door, and I grimace at the funky smell.

“There’s the famous underwear.” Ruby shrieks, pointing at the pile of laundry on my sofa. “Can I get a picture? I want to show it to my roommates.” She sets Puck down on the floor and reaches into her purse.

“No way.” Rowan says indignantly. “We’re trying to make Mason look good. This place is a trash pit. We can’t show it to anyone.”

“That’s a little harsh,” I object.

She points to a stack of empty pizza boxes on the floor. “Trash pit.”

Then she walks over to the couch, picks up my laundry, and carries it over to the hamper in my laundry room. “My sister touched a famous person’s underwear,” Ruby crows.

“Oh, grow up,” Rowan says, but she’s smiling.

Ruby makes a face at her sister. “One minute you think you can tell me what to do because I’m your baby sister and you think you can ground me. The next minute I’m supposed to grow up. I’m getting mixed messages here. Which is it?”

Rowan shrugs. “Whichever one is more convenient for me at the moment.”

I stand back and watch them banter as Puck sniffs around curiously. I wish I had cleaned the apartment, although I also don’t know why I should care what Rowan thinks of me.

Rowan sets her purse down and moves around the room, neatly stacking a pile of magazines, putting couch pillows back in their proper place.

Well, now she’s maid-shaming me. I scowl and grab take-out boxes from the coffee table and carry them to my kitchen garbage. After a few minutes, my place is slightly less trashy, and Ruby has rescued Puck several times as he tried to chew the cord to my lamp.

“I see what you mean about puppies,” I say to Rowan.

Rowan widens her eyes and does a comically exaggerated gasp, clapping her hand to her chest. My eyes go there, briefly wandering over her small, perfect breasts, and then they snap back to her face.

“Stop the presses. Did you just admit that you were wrong and I was right?”

“I’m sure it’ll never happen again. Wait, puppies need to eat, don’t they?”

Rowan rolls her eyes.

“Don’t have children, Mason.” She grabs her purse. “We are now going to Pampered Pooch to get supplies. You’re also going to have to make a vet visit appointment, because there’s a series of vaccinations that they need.”

“Ruby, I will pay you for pet sitting while we’re gone,” I say.

“Oh my God, I’d do it for free.” She kneels down and kisses Puck on the head. “Who’s my fuzzy wuzzy wuzzy?”

“And yet, I will cross your palms with silver for this. See you in a while.” I look at Rowan. “Do puppies secrete a chemical that turns women’s brains to mush?”

“Nope. She’s always like that,” Rowan says as we head out the door.

Pampered Pooch is only ten minutes away, and I am astounded by the variety of things that people buy for their dogs. There are accessories in every single color and style.

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