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Her anger is ... hot.

So hot.

And I’m still aching for her.

I stand up and walk around the desk. My body isn’t listening to my brain.

Bad idea, bad idea, my brain sings out.

And then thoughts vanish and there is nothing but need. I don’t care that we’re in her office, that we work together, that we fight like cats and dogs, that I’m a lousy candidate for relationships and she deserves so much more than a quick fuck ...

I move close to her, breathing in the sweet smell of her flowery perfume. Her eyes widen in surprise, but she doesn’t move away from me. I reach out to grab her by the hand. I will bend her over the desk, go down on my knees, and ...

There’s a knock at the door, and then it flies open. I take a quick step back. Amanda stalks in, and annoyance flares up inside me. She tries to catch my eye, and I look away.

“Cecelia told me to remind you the office is closing early because they’re laying new carpet,” Amanda says brusquely to Rowan, then flashes me a brilliant smile. “How are you doing, Mason?”

I don’t bother to reply.

“Oh my God, I forgot. Damn it,” Rowan groans. “I have so much to do. Remember how I told you that our invitations got lost in the mail? I’m mailing out new ones and making calls to let people know the invitations are coming.”

“Yeah, you mentioned that ... but did you mean they literally lost all of them?” I look at her in confusion. “Every single invitation?”

“Yep. Not a single invitation made it to its recipient.” She heaves a sigh of frustration.

Well, that makes no sense at all.

Amanda’s mouth curls up in a smirk and her eyes flash with malice.

Now it makes sense.

She had something to do with it. Which absolutely sucks, because screwing that up means depriving sick, sometimes dying children and their families of fun, excitement, distraction, and needed funding.

“Hey, my name is attached to this, so I am going to help you make it right. You shouldn’t have to bear the whole burden of some weird post office glitch by yourself. You are going to come to my house tonight, and I will help you with the invitations,” I say loudly, to make sure Amanda hears me, because I know she has a big groupie-crush on me, and I know it will piss her off.

“That sounds extremely unprofessional,” Amanda snaps.

“What’s unprofessional about making sure that this event goes off without a hitch?” I smile at her with no warmth or invitation whatsoever.

Amanda glares as she turns and stomps out of the room, stiff and angry, and slams the door shut behind her.

“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Rowan cocks her head. “I mean ... things are kind of weird between us, you know, and ...”

She’s right. Things are weird between us, and it is a terrible idea for the two of us to be alone in my apartment.

“It’s a great idea. I’m the celebrity. I’m the one they’re coming to see. If I make the calls, they’ll come.”

She chews her lower lip, which sends the rest of the blood in my body rushing south.

“You’re right,” she agrees.

She grabs her purse and gathers up a bunch of papers from her desk.

As we leave together, I have to acknowledge to myself that this is a mistake. I can’t even control myself around her in an office with an unlocked door and coworkers right across the hall.

But tonight, alone together in my apartment, if she wants me as much as I want her?

I’m going to shoot my shot.

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