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I shoot a quick, fierce, murderous glare at Pax, just daring him to contradict me.

It’s a sign of how upset Ruby is that she doesn’t call me out, because my story is ridiculous. We live in Manhattan and it’s late at night, so how would Puck have muddy paws? Because he could not have just come back from the park.

“Tell me what’s going on,” I say.

“The guy I was dating, from my Writing Across Media class, just broke up with me. It was ugly. He was kind of a dick about it.” She shrugs listlessly.

Fierce, protective anger wells up in my chest. “What’s his name?”

“Why?” She squints at me suspiciously.

“No reason.”

“I feel like there is a reason. Like you want to look him up, hunt him down, and collect his scalp to use as a warning to others.” Ruby starts picking up wads of tissue and tossing them in her garbage can, which is printed with Shakespearean insults.

“I definitely was not planning on doing all of those things,” I protest.

“Which ones were you going to do, then?” She stands up and runs her hands through her cornsilk-blond hair.

I arch an eyebrow. “That’s on a need-to-know basis.”

“Did he threaten you in any way?” Mason speaks up, going all protective big brother.

Ruby grimaces and shakes her head. “No, he was just a jerk. It happens, I guess.”

“Not to you,” I bark. I shake my head. “And it shouldn’t happen to anybody. I would like to know who this is.”

“No. He could actually cause a lot of trouble for me. I just want to leave it.”

Mason and I exchange uneasy glances. I do not like the sound of that at all. “Ruby, it sounds like that guy is making you feel unsafe, even if it’s not physically unsafe.”

“I really don’t want to talk about it anymore. I’m sorry I dragged you guys all the way here.”

“Eh, we weren’t doing anything,” Paxton says cheerfully. “We’re just glad to be here for you.”

Ruby looks at him skeptically. “And you are who, exactly?”

“Whoa, Paxton, someone hasn’t heard of you. Will your ego be all right?” I ask, widening my eyes in fake sympathy.

“Well, since he’s with Mason, and he’s improbably huge and hot, I’m going to say he’s on your team,” Ruby says to Mason.

“Improbably huge and hot? My ego will be just fine, thanks.” Paxton grins at me.

“Don’t let it go to your pretty little head. I also like to go to the museum and admire ancient Roman statues. Doesn’t mean I’m actually interested in them,” Ruby scoffs.

We stand there for a long moment in awkward silence. I don’t want to leave Ruby alone right now, but she doesn’t want to talk about her vile horrible ex, who I am definitely going to find out more about.

“Hey, I don’t know about you guys, but I’ve worked up a real appetite,” Mason says. “From all that ... phone calling.”

I kick him in the shins when Ruby’s not looking, and he grins at me.

“I know a great diner. It’s open twenty-four hours.” Pax chimes in.

“I could eat, I guess,” Ruby agrees.

So Mason summons an Uber, and we all troop out of the dorm to wait for it.

“Does he just show up at random times and tag along whenever he feels like it?” I ask Mason, glancing over at Pax.
