Page 20 of Hunter

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“First of all, the social security number supplied with Lillian Pringle’s application belongs to a woman who died four years ago… at the age of ninety-two. The address is a penthouse that’s registered to a trust, so unless we go there to confirm if she lives there, I have no way of knowing if that’s another lie. We missed it during our initial background checks because, on the surface, everything checked out and appeared legit.”

“So, she’s a fraud in more than one aspect.” Hunter’s voice rippled from his mouth as soft as a feather yet cold as a hungry tomb. “Phone Parker and fill him in. I’m not going to wait until she makes a mistake. The quicker the two of you find out who she really is, the better.”

“On it.” Matilda’s response chased after her as she stomped off.

“I had a feeling when I first saw her that I’d seen her before.” Stone tapped his fingers on his leg. “I’m sure it’ll come to me in due time.”

“Strangely enough, so did I. In the meantime, I’ve added her name to the list of academy trainees. I’d rather keep my enemies close.” Hunter got up. “It’s time to make the announcement. I already asked Reece to keep his eyes on the crowd for anyone who acts suspiciously. I’ll appreciate it if you’ll look out as well. With your background, you’ll never miss something like that.”

“Of course. For one, I’d like to see Lillian Pringle’s reaction to the announcement that she’s in the academy.”

“You’re not the only one.” Hunter’s growl dripped with anger.


“I hear you had quite the scene with a bunch of haaawt Masters… and in the pit, of all places,” Delia gushed as she met up with Lilith at the bar.

“It was very… intense,” Lilith acknowledged in a soft voice but avoided the blonde’s curious look by taking a leisurely sip of the Vodka Martini she ordered. Since she had no intention of going anywhere near a Dominant for the balance of the night, a strong drink was just what she needed to calm her nerves. It had been over an hour since the edging scene, but the zing in her ears wouldn’t quiet, and her legs were still wobbly when she walked.

“Damn, I would’ve loved to watch. It’s all everyone talks about. Seven Masters edging you. Holy fuck, woman! How can you still walk?”

“With difficulty, I promise you.” Lilith shifted on the stool, uncomfortably aware of the twittering around them and the many eyes burning into her back.

The last memory she had was of Master Crow carrying her off stage. Obviously, she had passed out from exhaustion. She had woken up in a private scene room, covered in a blanket with her clothes folded neatly at the end of the bed. After utilizing the massive shower in the luxurious bathroom, she felt refreshed but no less broken. Not in the same way she had when Rocco and his friends had edged her, but in a good way. This time, she had been the one with control, the recipient of only pleasure, no pain or humiliation. It was a scene that would be carved into her memory banks for a very long time to come.

“Hey! Wake up, girlfriend. They’re calling us to the platform.” Delia dragged Lilith from the stool. “They’re about to announce the ten trainees accepted into the academy.”

Lilith’s stomach twisted into a knot. After the explosive sex she had with Master Crow and the tender way with which he had treated her afterwards, she didn’t know if she wanted to be selected. Hunter Sutton might be the man she was supposed to target for Gustav to obtain the edge he needed to unseat Ground Zero, but for her, there was only one man who mattered at this moment… Master Crow. The thought of disappointing him and casting him aside in favor of Sutton made her heart cringe.

Forget about a relationship with Master Crow, Lilith. You don’t stand a chance. Not with a powerful Dom like him… and not if it means you have to betray your own flesh and blood in the process.

The warning from her psyche wasn’t appreciated, but it struck a nerve. As twins, she and Gustav had always been very close. There was nothing one wouldn’t do for the other. It had been that way from when they were little.

But where did she draw the line? In what universe was it acceptable to break the law because you had an adamantine bond with your twin? The integrity she always prided herself on possessing was seriously challenged in what she was expected to do.

Not expected, Lilith… you’re already doing it. If you claim morals now, you’re as big a fraud as your brother.

Lilith’s mind was in a tailspin. She should never have agreed to be a part of Gustav and Rocco’s plan. Her inner voice was right. She knew it was the wrong thing to do, yet here she was—vulnerable and fully aware she was breaking every rule in her moral compass.

“I’m going to withdraw.”

“You’re what?” Delia’s head snapped to the side so fast, Lilith was worried she had torn a tendon in her neck. She lowered her voice at the warning look from Master Scrooge. “Are you completely mad? Everyone knows you’re number one on that list, Lillian. Not because you scened with Master Crow, but because you acted like the perfect submissive. Forget it. I won’t allow it.”

“It’s my choice to make,” Lilith whispered huskily.

“Then why bother in the first place? Hmm? Tell me that? If you’re so hellbent on walking away now, why the fucking shit did you come here in the first place?” Delia visually struggled to contain her anger.

Lilith knew Delia’s reaction stemmed from how serious applying to the academy was for her, especially since this was the second time she had attempted to get in.

“I… it’s… I…” Lilith’s voice drifted off as Master Crow took the stage in front of them, where they were lined up on the platform in the pit.

“Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming here tonight to cheer on these brave men and women who walked the parade tonight. A special thank you to the Doms and Masters who participated in scening to enable us to make fair and informed decisions on the ten selected trainees.”

He turned to look down the row of applicants. “To all of you, you were the best group we’ve had in all the years we’ve been doing this. We all applaud you.”

The crowd erupted in thunderous applause, showing their appreciation for the experience they were allowed to be a part of.

“This year, we decided to elect twelve candidates instead of ten.” Another round of excited hoots drowned out his words. Master Crow waited for them to quiet down before continuing. “Drum roll, please,” he laughed as the crowd complied. “Let’s welcome the following submissives into the Sensations Sub Academy.”
