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“Let those who throw the first stone be judged… or something like that. I’m with you, Delia. I desperately need a friend, too.”

“Then it’s settled. We’ve just been elevated to each other’s BFF.”

Chapter Thirteen


BDSM 101 Training class…

The last thing Lilith expected was to see Master Crow walking into the large modern dungeon room halfway through their first session.

Although the training dungeon was a large, open area, it was split into three sections. A classroom section, another that looked like a gym with an exercise mat covering the entire floor, and the most daunting, an area with all the BDSM equipment, impact, and bondage tools.

Master Adonis had presented a gripping theoretical class combined with amusing practical explanations for Gorean slave/submissive positions. Over the years she had learned a couple of these positions but never realized just how many there were or the various meanings of each of them to the Master and his slave or submissive. It was surprising how it excited her to envision herself in some of them.

“Ah, Master Crow, you’re just in time. We’re about to start the practical part of our session.” Master Adonis gestured toward the exercise mat. “Gorean positions can only truly be enjoyed for its beauty and grace when the body is naked, so please, remove all your clothes, then gather on the mat.”

Lilith suppressed the involuntary groan that threatened on her lips. Just her luck that Master Crow would choose this specific class to attend, where she had to be naked. Even though a week had passed, she was still too fragile to expose herself to him again, especially having recently acknowledged that the connection she felt for him was more emotional than physical. The danger of falling in love with this man was a reality she couldn’t ignore—and afford even less. Not under the circumstances in which she had wormed her way into the academy.

Lilith managed to hide in the back row, far away from Master Crow’s scorching gaze. Not that distance mattered since every time his eyes forayed over her naked body, every nerve ending sizzled as if he had touched her skin. It was disconcerting, arousing, and highly effective to unsettle her. The physical reaction she had to this man was discombobulating, unexplainable, and untenable. A jolt of desire shot through her body, setting off sparks of heat to explode in her loins that she had no way of countering.

“We’ll start with the most beautiful and serene position of them all. Nadu, please.” Master Adonis didn’t explain since his theoretical session had been so detailed with show and tell, everyone remembered what was required of them. It was also a position many of them had already been taught. “Remember what I told you. Every movement of the Gorean positions requires grace. No legs haphazardly flopping around with your knees knocking against each other when you kneel.”

A spurt of laughter followed his admonishing. His way of teaching was firm, yet filled with information and mirth, which drew the entire group in eager participation.

Lilith gave credit to the morning squats she did when she went down onto her knees in one smooth, faultless move. She concentrated on perfecting her stance by spreading her thighs wide, her back slightly arched, and her head held high. Thrusting her breasts forward, and with eyes lowered, she settled on her heels, her hands resting palms up on her thighs.

“Perfect, Ember,” Master Adonis praised as he walked around the mat, checking everyone’s pose.

“Nadu is considered the basic position for a pleasure slave, and generally the position used by couples for a submissive to sit and wait for her Master or Dom. When you’re more experienced, you’ll learn to use this position to relax into yourself, to tap into your inner submissive and find peace while you wait for the pleasures of your Dom.”

“Next position, Sula Ki,” Master Crow said. This time, the groan escaped Lilith’s lips as she noticed him approaching.

Keep walking. Just keep walking!

She watched his sneakered feet enter her vision.

“Do you need a reminder of what the position entails, Ember?” His voice was redolent with good breeding—deep, measured, forceful, and with perfect enunciation. It rang out chillingly over her, reminding her that ignoring an order or a question from the Master Dom wasn’t allowed.

“No, Master Crow,” she croaked as she sat back on her buttocks, dragging in a deep breath while wishing he would move on and not remain in front of her. The position she would end up in would give him a full-frontal view of her very aroused and wet pussy.

“Are you sure? You don’t seem to be moving along as quickly as I would expect.” One eyebrow pitched higher, mocking her with the realization that he knew exactly why she was procrastinating.

Grim lipped, she finally managed her body to respond to the order from her brain as she slid her legs from under her and lay on her back, her hands at her sides, palms up.

“Hmm, you did hear me say Sula Ki, didn’t you, sub Ember?”

Grinding so hard on her teeth, her jaw protested with a sharp pain, she said as subdued as she could manage, “Indeed, I did, Master Crow. I was just envisioning the final movements to complete the position.”

“Then get to it, trainee. You’re wasting everyone’s time.”

Lilith was struck mum at how hard it rocked her to notice a flash of disappointment in his eyes. Maybe she was already more of a submissive than she realized in that she wanted to please her Dom.

Except he isn’t your Dom. He’s the Master Dom of the training academy. Don’t confuse the two, Lilith. Just fucking get on with it!

A breath escaped her lips, soft and moist, a sinless sound, a thing almost pure as she capitulated and prepared herself to finish the position.

Closing her eyes to avoid the glowing demand of his, she spread her legs wide apart, arched her back and lifted her hips off the floor. It was definitely not a very comfortable position, but as Master Adonis had explained, it was to make every part of the sub's body accessible for Masters during inspection or just to look upon as a pleasing view.
