Page 31 of Hunter

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“Just saying,” she defended herself blithely. Eyes wandering over the seated Masters behind Master Scrooge, she once again attempted to make a connection with the kind of man she believed Hunter Sutton to be. A heavy sigh drifted from her chest. It was useless. Until she got close to all of them and in some way questioned them to find out what they did in real life, there just was no way to know.

“Next on the agenda is meeting your Masters and Mistresses.” Master Scrooge called on the men and women to introduce themselves and briefly explain what area of the training they would be covering. At the end of that session, Lilith was no closer to linking any of them to the elusive Hunter Sutton.

Master Scrooge was explaining how the class scheduling worked when suddenly, Lilith’s skin flushed with a bolt of energy. The air in the room shifted and feelings of tension and anticipation were palpable in the room. Although, perhaps it was only what she was experiencing—exactly as she had at the club. Without glancing back, she knew...

Master Crow is here.

She caught him prowling toward the front from the corner of her eye. Without looking directly at him, she could sense the other trainees reacting to him in a similar fashion. His presence manifested itself in a powerful demeanor and in how he carried himself with confidence, assertiveness, and poise.

Her jumbled thoughts grew wings like moths and fluttered loose in her head. With her breath caught in her throat, a shiver portrayed the poignant emotional experience racing through her. Encountering the same sensations as she did before, only more intense, left her feeling open and vulnerable. When their eyes caught in a brief moment when he looked over the group, she was overcome by a sense of understanding, trust, and what she hoped was caring.

“Oh, he’s here. Fantastic! I heard he doesn’t always participate in the training session but mostly evaluates trainees. The times he does offer a training session, it’s when there are submissives who caught his eye. You know, the ones who don’t seem to understand their true desires or how to release the chains that keep their inner submissive captive.” Delia sighed dramatically. “Unfortunately, I don’t have either problem, so I won’t be one of the lucky ones.”

“Lucky ones?”

“Haven’t you heard the subs gushing over him at the club? Members and trainee subs included. They call him the Master with the Midas touch who carries the fire of a dragon inside his soul, and the best one… he has the endurance of a tiger. Once he has a sub in his sights, his rigorous mastery is as much a torment as it is a delight.”

“Good Lord, Delia, the man isn’t a god. The way you’re talking, one would swear no woman can resist him.”

“Well, you sure as hell couldn’t.”

Lilith shifted uncomfortably in the chair, incapable of voicing a denial at Delia’s amused statement. Her complete capitulation to the powerful Dom had been a movie reel of debauchery for all to see and enjoy.

Just like the time with Rocco.

Her mind stuttered over the admission.

Enough. You know very well there is no comparison. You had no say in what that bastard did to you that night. You even screamed out your safeword over and over. He’s the useless prick who deserves disgust, not you.

Lilith knew her inner voice’s relay by heart. It was a conversation they had numerous times over the years. If only she could break away from the memory, leave it in the past… for good, but it was easier said than done.

“Last but not least,” Master Scrooge’s booming voice demanded everyone’s attention.

Blinking back the bleak thoughts, Lilith cast her eyes to the front of the room.

“Master Crow… owner and Master Dom, not only of the Club Sensations group but also of the training academy. He is the one who will oversee every aspect of your evaluations and score your performance according to the reports and CCTV footage he’ll watch of every training session.”

“Thank you, Master Scrooge, and welcome all trainees. If you’re new to the academy, I trust you will persevere and reap the benefits of your hard work. Submissive training is a conscious decision each of you made for reasons personal to you. For us, the key is to ensure we unlock your full potential and offer you the tools to become the person you yearn to be. There is a different side to every human being. Not everyone is brave enough to allow the darkness or vulnerability to crawl to the surface.” He paced in front of the room as he spoke, maintaining eye contact with the group.

“Here, we’re going to teach you how to reach deep inside yourself, find your inner submissive, understand her or his needs, and strive to feed those desires in a way that will push your boundaries to find the full potential of the person you’ve kept locked away all your life.” He smiled. “I said persevere. Let me elaborate on that.

“Even though this is training, we will not go easy on you. Submission comes with certain expectations. You need to understand the full spectrum of what domination versus submission entails. If you can’t stand submitting to the kind of needs a Dom has in a training environment, you won’t succeed in a day-to-day or a club scenario. It’s going to be hard, at times uncomfortable, and definitely painful, but in all of those instances, it will be the trainer pushing your boundaries to unlock the chain keeping your true spirit captive.”

Bracing himself in a position Lilith remembered all too well from parade night—his feet spread wide, and his arms crossed over his chest—he looked out over the sea of faces watching him animatedly.

“If you’re not ready for any of that, no one is going to judge you if you prefer to bow out now and leave. Your first session starts in ten minutes. Those who wish to leave, please hand in your portfolios and wristbands to Mistress Ruby at the reception desk. We’ll be sorry to see you go, but as I said, staying and completing the training is and always remains your choice.” This time his smile was pure and encompassed all of them.

“I look forward to chatting with each of you over the coming weeks. Above all else, relax, have fun, and embrace the new road you’re about to embark on.” With a nod, he dismissed the group and joined the Masters and Mistresses in an informal discussion at the front of the room.

“So, are you ready to stay?” Delia asked as they wandered back to the reception area.

Lilith knew she was exactly where she wanted to be. Even though Rocco had used domination to abuse her, she couldn’t deny the need deep inside her to fully submit to a powerful Dom. That desire had been confirmed over the past couple of years visiting clubs but never as much as it did on parade night. The way she had reacted to Master Crow reaffirmed that she needed someone as powerful as him to tap into the submissive inside her to come to full fruition. That was why she was here. Even if she failed to find Hunter Sutton, she needed to complete the training… and move on to the advanced courses as well.

“Now more so than before.”

“I’m glad. I like you as my shoulder buddy. A friend I can offload to.” Delia smiled wryly. “For one thing, you don’t judge. A very rare attribute in the career I chose to pursue.”

Lilith returned her warm smile, realizing behind Delia’s sunny smile lurked a loneliness she couldn’t hide.
