Page 39 of Hunter

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“Now, transfer my money.”

“So, that’s what this was all about,” Hunter said. “We should thank you for this, Leigh. At least now we know that unconditional trust always comes with a price. It’s unfortunate for the trainee applicants from this point forward, but as the saying goes, lesson learned.”

“Let’s go, Hunter. We’ve wasted enough time here.” Hawk stomped out without further acknowledging Leigh.

Hunter stopped by her side and leaned closer to whisper in her ear, “I am going to find out whoheis, Leigh and when I do, I will make sureheis taken care of. Neither one of you will ever again darken our doorsteps.”

Satisfied that the threat Peyton Jackson presented to the Rothmans and himself had been taken care of, Hunter left. The first call he made once he was on the way back to Club Sensations, was to Matilda.

“I need you to hack into Leigh Simms’s email and any social media accounts she has. Also get hold of her call register over the past six months. Find me a connection, Matilda. We’re looking for a man she has been in contact with regularly, but more so recently.”

“Got you, Boss.”


Early the next morning…

“What the fuck do you mean you’re not going ahead with the article?”

“I told you from the beginning I didn’t want to destroy the reputation of Castle Sin or Club Sensations. There’s no point, and I’ll find no joy in taking revenge or destroying what they have created over the years.”

“I don’t fucking believe what I’m hearing,” Rocco growled. Anger threatened to spill over as he listened to his cousin.

“What the Rothmans are doing is good, offering women and men who wish to live the lifestyle to their fullest potential a way to fully embrace it.”

“Yes, only to be cast out after a year,” Rocco continued to rage.

“Everyone knows the limitations going in. No one is forced to stay. It’s a voluntary application that graduates make before leaving the island. I did as well. I can’t take the choice away from any of them in the future.”

Rocco had no sympathy for the brittle sigh that sounded in his ear.

“Did you happen to forget what Stone did to you? That he belittled you the day he and Hunter banned you from the island and any further participation in any of their clubs across the States?”

“I didn’t forget, Rocco. It doesn’t matter how much I still hurt. Not because Stone expelled me from the island and banned me but because he can’t love me the way I do him.”

“So, you’re going to let it go? Walk away with your tail between your legs? After all the effort I put into putting this plan together?”

“I got what I initially was after. Revenge was never my aim. Let it go, Rocco. It’s not worth it.”

“Not worth it?” Rocco’s hand curled into a fist. “How much?”

“How much what?”

“I’m not an idiot, Leigh. How much money did they pay you to keep your fucking mouth shut?”

“It doesn’t matter because it was never about keeping my mouth shut to them, but about the lies you made me tell to sink them,” she sneered.

“So, you showed your true colors. Nothing other than a money-grubbing whore.”

“And what are you? I didn’t get a pinch of what you intended to extort from Hunter Sutton once the article hit the tabloids. What does that make you, Rocco? A money-grubbing male whore? Why do you hate him so much? I sensed from the get-go you had alternatives beyond the desire to hurt them on my behalf. What did Master Crow do to you?”

“Since you extracted yourself from seeing this through, you don’t get to have your curiosity satisfied. Half of that money you got is mine, Leigh. Don’t make me come for it.”

“Fuck you, Rocco. You’re a fucking rich man. You don’t need shit.”

“Still as naive as ever, I see. Newsflash, Leigh. No man ever has enough money. I want my share. You fucking owe me.”

“No, I don’t. I’m leaving the country, and I’m clever enough to do so under an assumed identity. Good luck trying to find me. Oh, and a word of advice, dear cousin, drop your revenge unless you want to spend the rest of your days in jail. No one will get the better of the Rothmans and Hunter Sutton combined. Walk away… for your own good.”
