Page 10 of Radical Daddy

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“Sit down and eat your breakfast. We have a lot to discuss.”

“I don’t want your damn food. I want to go home to my mother!”

“Ah, your mother,” Salvitore drawled as he sat down and continued eating. His words sounded muffled around the food in his mouth. “Which one would that be, dearie?”

“W-What do you mean?” The teenager with sundrenched tresses stared wide-eyed at him. Her hands were clasped together so tightly in front of her that her knuckles turned white.

“I told you to sit down and eat your breakfast. Do not let me have to repeat myself again.” His gaze turned dark as he looked at her. “In this house my word is law. Either you listen and act or you carry the consequences of your disobedience.” He waited until she was seated and with trembling hands dished up some scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast.

“Here, have some orange juice.” As cordial as if he was a royal host, he filled a glass and placed it in front of her.

“W-What did you mean about my mother?”

“Ah, yes. You wanted to go home to your mother. The question is, dearie, are you referring to the woman you’ve been calling Mom all your life, or the one who gave birth to you?”

“I… I don’t understand.” Confusion reigned supreme in the expressions traversing across her face. “I only have one mother.”

“Now, that’s where you’re wrong. You were adopted at birth.”

“Adopted? That’s not true! My parents would’ve told me.”

“They were sworn to secrecy, and for good reason since I suspect your biological grandfather was a man of influence.”

“No! I have only one set of parents.”

“Indeed, you did.” With a stoic expression, he locked eyes with her. “Until they died in an accident a month ago.”

“W-What accident? They’re on an excursion in the Amazon.”

“Also true, which is where they met with their untimely demise, unfortunately.”

“I don’t believe you. You’re lying. They can’t be dead! Someone would’ve told me. My aunt—”

“Your aunt was all-too happy to leave it to me to tell you the sad news. Of course, since you’re now my daughter, I am only too eager to comply.”

“Yourdaughter? That’s bullshit! I’m not a piece of furniture that can be shifted from one place to another.”

“Your aunt has been appointed as your legal guardian in your parents’ will. You know as well as I do, she doesn’t like you, and there is no way she’s going to give up her freedom to look after a bratty teenager. She was ecstatic to sign you over to me… at a very hefty price, of course.”

“No! She has no right! I’m fifteen years old. I have a say where I want to live.”

“Unfortunately, in this situation, it was either me as your newly adopted parent or the foster system—her exact words, not mine. The Judge agreed that you would be much better off with me.”

“I want to go back home!” Her voice trembled as tears traced glistening paths down her cheeks. Heart-wrenching sobs wracked her fragile frame. A turbulent battle between disbelief and shock raged within her. Her surroundings seemed to blur as her panicked gaze darted around, desperately searching for a lifeline, an avenue of escape from the overwhelming turmoil that encased her.

“For the time being, thisishome. Soon, we’ll be going back to the United States. Until then, I suggest you get used to the idea of your new life.”

“No, you’re lying about everything! You kidnapped me. That’s what this is. You want to extort money from my parents.”

Salvitore laughed as he gestured around. “Does it look like I’m strapped for money, dearie?” His face tightened in a warning frown. “Enough. I don’t have the tolerance for stringing out intestines. I’ve told you the truth. I’ll give you a week to adapt and accept the change in your life. After that, your training in our business will begin.”

“Never! I’ll never accept you as my father.”

“Oh, you will, make no mistake about that.” Salvitore watched the young girl jump up and run toward the stairs. “One more thing, dearie.” His voice darkened in warning. She halted to look at him.

“From this moment forth your name is Chiara Sanchigo… and when you address me, it will be as Father.”

Chapter Five
