Page 13 of Radical Daddy

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Her aunt’s voice echoing in her mind brought back a memory of the darkest period in her life. A forgotten time which she had paid dearly for ever since… and one she had believed locked away so deep inside her memory banks, it would never be unlocked.

“Nevertheless, it’s what you will call me.” Tanner’s voice was a mere murmur as he drew her nearer, his lips once again claiming hers in a fervent embrace. This time, his kiss shed any semblance of chasteness; it was an ardent, all-consuming devouring that left no room for restraint. A soft, involuntary moan escaped her lips as she yielded under the commanding insistence of his mouth.

When he finally withdrew, a low whimper escaped her, a plaintive sound born from the longing for the connection they had just shared. A surge of desire coursed through her, leaving a trail of heated arousal that wet her inner thighs, an undeniable testament to the erotic power of his kiss.

“Let’s try this again, little one.” This time, there was no denying the command in his voice. “Who am I?”

“Daddy.” The word escaped her lips before Sera sent any instruction to her brain. She frowned angrily.This kind of reaction is just not acceptable!

“One more time, Babygirl,” he ordered.

“Daddy.”Fucking hell! Grow some balls, Sera. Tell the man to go shit in the pond!Her annoyance was short-lived as he smiled wolfishly, causing her libido to explode in applause as ripples of desire coursed through her.

“Good girl,” he growled as he lightly traced the fullness of her lower lip. “Now, let’s talk about the matter of you and your deputy chief using me.”

Sera suppressed a groan. She had hoped he wouldn’t pursue the statement he had made earlier. With a man like Tanner Wilde, she should’ve known better.

“No one is using you,” she hedged.

“No? I didn’t request protection, and when the Senate suggested it upon my return, I assured them Triple K Secure would take care of any I might require. Want to try again, Little S? And please, do remember my warning about lies.”

“Oh, good Lord. From Babygirl to Little S,” she said, somewhat miffed. “What next, pray tell?”

“Do not test my patience, little one. Believe me, the few swats you just received would be child’s play when my anger is sparked.”

Sera was no stranger to Daddy Dom kink. The hundreds of eBooks on her tablet of the BDSM genre marked her interest in the dynamics of couples practicing the lifestyle. Except, no matter how reading their stories and envisioning herself into each scene excited her, to date, she had yet to personally dip her toe into participating.

The couple of swats he’d given her, however, had been a revelation. Reading how pain elevated lust was one thing but to have experienced it herself, was more than she had ever thought possible. Her mind played with the temptation to push Tanner, to see just how much leeway he would allow before he toppled her over his lap again. Now that she had a taste of sexual domination, she wanted the full enchilada. She was a strong woman and knew she would be able to take the pain, but more than that, she wanted it. A profound desire to feel the brunt of his heavy palm rushed through her.

Just how far could she be pushed before she completely lost all sense of reality?

Good Lord, what is this man doing to me? From being a complete BDSM vanilla to dreaming about masochism? Shake it off, Brookes, or you’re gonna lose it!

“I don’t like repeating myself, Sera. Start talking.” His stern reprimand washed over her and yanked her back to the present.

“If you must know, my deputy chief believes that Salvitore Sanchigo is out for revenge, and he will come for you. I’ve been searching for that bastard for years. If there is a chance of catching him, I want to be at the forefront of the chase.”

“So, you’re willing to put yourself in danger just to make a notch on your bedpost?”

“No, Senator Wilde. I’m willing to do what it takes to put a vicious monster behind bars for good. Let me give you fair warning, sir. When he does appear, no one is going to stop me… not even you.”

“We shall see, little one, especially since I’ve just decided your safety is of the utmost importance to me. I can’t very well get married without a bride, now can I, and crossing swords with Sanchigo? I’m afraid that’s not in the cards for you. Not anymore.”

“Married? Bride?” She stared at him aghast. “What are you babbling about?” Pushing the glittering diamond ring under his nose, she snorted acerbically, “This is a DEA asset, not an engagement ring and this entire scenario is fake. F-A-K-E. In other words, it’s not real. We’re not in love and we’re not getting married, capiche?”

“No capiche, Little S. I’ve decided you’re exactly the kind of wife I need. So, prepare yourself.”

“For what?”

“Falling in love with me, of course.”

Sera was still stuttering to form an appropriate response when he sauntered out of the room. The only words she eventually managed sounded forlorn but filled with wonder.

“Well… crap.”

Chapter Six

The Triple K Farm, Bunkie, Louisiana……
