Page 14 of Radical Daddy

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“So, this is the future Mrs. Wilde.”

The words rolled off the large man’s tongue, accompanied by a hint of amusement that danced in his eyes. Sera wasn’t easily intimidated, yet the imposing figure before her with his intense gaze equivalent to a laser boring through her emotional armor, managed to send a shiver down her spine. It was as though he possessed an uncanny ability to peer deep into the recesses of her soul, unraveling the layers she thought were impenetrable.

“The far future, yes,” she murmured. Moments ticked by and as each heartbeat echoed in the chamber of her chest, Sera found herself wrestling with a sense of vulnerability she rarely experienced.

She had faced down challenges that would make even the bravest falter, yet this man’s enigmatic gaze stirred a storm of emotions within her that she struggled to contain. The silence of the group of people they had joined upon arrival at the cookout, seemed to stretch on. It was as if their acceptance of her depended heavily on his stamp of approval. Then she felt it—an invisible thread weaving between them, seconds before his stern countenance softened into a smile of affirmation.

With the burden of his scrutiny lifted, Sera finally managed to release a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding. Her lungs greedily drank in the air as if tasting freedom anew. In that fleeting moment as the tension dissolved, she was perplexed by the inexplicable connection that had been forged between her and this stranger—a tie that transcended the realm of mere appearances and delved into the uncharted territories of mutual understanding. One that bound them to the man standing next to her, who had declared himself as her Daddy… and whom he had professed she would fall in love with.

“Sera Brookes, this is Kaden Frazer.” Sera’s lips formed a round ‘O’ of recognition as the sound of the name hung in the air like a whisper. This was Tanner’s best friend and also the man who had taken on the responsibility for his safety.

“Your name is well known in the hallways of the DEA,” she said as her attention struggled to remain tethered when Tanner continued the introductions.

Her mind raced through her knowledge of what she knew about him, connecting dots, and piecing together the puzzle that was Kaden Frazer. The tales of his ventures, triumphs, and the shadows of his past all painted a portrait of a man both formidable and unexpectedly benevolent. The whispers of his philanthropic endeavors, like hiring downtrodden veterans to rebuild their lives through Triple K Secure, added an ethereal glow to the image that was slowly solidifying in her mind.

“These are his brothers, Keith and Kevin,” Tanner’s voice guided her awareness back to the present, like a ship caught in a gentle current. Sera’s gaze flickered over to them, absorbing their presence—as formidable as the two older men.

“This lovely lady is Kaden’s fiancé, Sage Lewis.” Sera’s eyes settled on her—a vision of grace and beauty, the chosen one who had captured Kaden Frazer’s heart.

“Nice to meet you,” she lilted as she watched Tanner’s arms enveloping Sage in an embrace, sealing their connection with a tender kiss. A spark of unwelcome jealousy ignited within Sera—an unexpected emotion that she struggled to suppress.

No matter her uncalled for reaction, she acknowledged that Sage had also played a major role in stopping millions of people losing every dollar they owned. It had been through her unyielding determination to uncover the rotten core that was responsible for the flare up of the banking fraud. Her unwavering resolve had chipped away at the layers shrouding Salvitore Sanchigo’s origins and opened the hole from where the Mafioso had crawled out of. In the process, she nearly died but her actions had been what had put Sanchigo out in the open with a target on his back. Pity he managed to escape, though.

“I can’t tell you how excited I’ve been to meet you,” Sage said as she hugged Sera. “The self-proclaimed bachelor suddenly announcing his engagement? I just had to see it with my own eyes.” Her smile was as warm as it was welcoming. For the first time since their arrival, Sera managed to relax.

The farm area hummed with the joyous energy of the cookout already in full swing. At its heart stood an ancient sentinel, an old oak tree. Its massive, gnarly branches stretched and twisted like sinewy arms, reaching out twenty feet into the boundless blue canvas of the sky above. The branches, weathered by countless seasons, formed a majestic canopy that cast a dappled mosaic of shadows where they were standing.

“Welcome back to the land of the living,” Kevin joked good-naturedly as he thumped Tanner on the back and handed him a cold beer. “Drink up, my friend. You’ve got a lot of catching up to do.”

Sera looked around and was amazed at the number of families and friends gathered. Their laughter mingled with the rustle of leaves above, drawing her in to fully embrace the joyous atmosphere. Picnic tables, laden with an array of delectable dishes, were arranged beneath the oak’s benevolent branches. The tablecloths fluttered like vibrant sails, painted in hues that mirrored the colorful blossoms adorning the gardens surrounding them. Tanner’s arm settled around her waist as he drew her closer. It felt familiar… and to her surprise, she didn’t mind the public display of ownership at all.

“I’m afraid two or three would be my limit for the day. Booze and the antibiotics I’m still taking won’t mix well.” Tanner’s gaze became veiled as he looked at her. Dressed in a pair of white denim shorts with a red and white flowered shirt tied under her breasts, leaving her toned stomach bare, she knew she looked good. Her libido did an excited jiggle as his gaze slowly meandered over her curvaceous legs and hips, rounded and taut with the heart-shaped aperture that portrayed the enticing junction of her sinewy thighs and pelvis. He didn’t even pretend; he ogled her openly, soaking in the view with the dexterous glance of a voyeur on the prowl.

“Stop that,” she snapped in an aside while flashing a toothy smile at the youngest Frazer, who seemed just as invested in leering at her legs.

“Beauty has to be appreciated, little one. You have plenty to admire.”

“Don’t call me that in public,” she berated him as she glanced around to check if anyone had overheard. Her gaze sharpened as his deep chuckle reverberated through her mind.

“Pay attention, Babygirl, you’re not the only one here with a Daddy who cares for her.”

“What are you talking about?” Surreptitiously glancing around, Sera couldn’t identify anyone who acted out of the ordinary. Not that Tanner did either, but to her, his entire demeanor was one of domination, of hovering over her just in case someone overstepped an invisible boundary… whatever that might be.

“Come now, Little S, surely you’re not that naive?” Tanner chuckled as her spine snapped into a straight line of indignation. “No need to get your panties in a twist, Babygirl, but correct me if I’m wrong. When I told you what my requirements would be for this engagement, you didn’t even flinch, which tells me you’re not a complete novice to the Daddy Dom kind of lifestyle, or BDSM for that matter.”

“No, I’m not, but I don’t have personal experience to fall back on. I’ve only ever been exposed to it via fiction.”

“Hmm, well, then today is the perfect time for a little introduction to all the intricacies of the lifestyle we’ll live—including the pleasures… and pain, awaiting you.”

“Just because I read kink genre doesn’t necessarily mean I want to live such a lifestyle. Pleasure and pain to me are two complete opposites and not the kind of contrast that excites me.”

“Never fear, little one. Before we fully embark on anything more stringent, we will have a long discussion about boundaries, safewords, and SSC. In fact, I think a visit to Club Rouge might just be what will trigger your inner submissive to unfurl inside you.”

“Club Rouge?” Sera racked her brain, trying to place where she’d heard that name before. She recalled it had popped up during the investigation, but there was a kicker—the place was registered under a closed corporation, making it a dead end to figure out who the big shots behind it were. “You mean that swanky club over in Baton Rouge, right? It’s an exclusive BDSM club?”

“Yes, of which I am one of the owners.”

“A U.S. Senator as a part owner of a sex club? That’s rather unconventional, isn’t it?”

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