Page 15 of Radical Daddy

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“It’s a completely legal operation, Babygirl. We don’t allow any hardcore scenes at the club and are very strict in regard to members adhering to club rules and protocol. All the necessary approvals were obtained prior to opening, and inspections are conducted on a quarterly basis to avoid any unpleasantries with the law.”

“Of course,” she intoned dryly. “As the previous attorney general, you would know all about that.”

“Do I detect a note of sarcasm in your tone, Ms. Brookes?”

“Looks like we’re getting a front-row seat to Tanner’s first lover’s quarrel with his Babygirl, huh?” Keith, the youngest among the quartet of men, chimed in with a chuckle. His voice resonated with a rugged and deep timbre. There was a hint of concealed power underlying his words that indicated an inner strength perfectly complementing his confident and no-nonsense demeanor, which exuded from his very being.

“You told them?” Sera exclaimed under her breath, glowering at him through her lashes.

“I didn’t have to. They are all aware of my sexual preferences, my dear, so they know I wouldn’t get married to someone who didn’t tick all the boxes.”

“I don’t tickanyboxes. I’m a fake fiancé, in case you forgot,” she hissed while flashing a smile in the direction of the group who were watching them animatedly.

“Oh, believe me, Babygirl, you tick all the boxes… and then some.”

She faced him full-on. “What does that mean?”

“Time will reveal all, my love.”

“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” she muttered. “Stop the theatrics and just spit it out. If there’s one thing you need to learn about me, it’s that I hate riddles, so don’t waste your time, or mine, playing games. I won’t be yourlittle plaything.”

“On the contrary,” he crooned, which managed to spike her irritation a notch higher. “You are exactly that…my little.”

The vellus hair at the back of her neck rose as his voice darkened ominously. “You were warned what to expect. You accepted my conditions. Now, we’re in public, with eighty percent of the people in attendance knowing I’m a Daddy Dom. I suggest you start acting like my little Babygirl… or I might just be forced to prove to you exactly what it is you’re secretly yearning for.”

Her eyelids lowered as her posture softened. She’d read about how someone’s inner submissive reacted in the presence of a true dominant, manifesting as an intricate dance of emotions and sensations, a fusion of vulnerability and trust that intertwined in a unique dynamic. She was shaken that her reaction was immediate, unpracticed, and accompanied by a sudden heightened awareness of Tanner’s presence—characterized by anticipation, respect, and an unexpected eagerness to yield control.

Within a second and noticeable to the eye, Tanner Wilde had morphed into a powerful dominant in every aspect of the word. With a deep voice and dark eyes, he managed to trigger an innate desire to please him, to form a symbiotic connection deep within their souls.

“Ah, nope, little brother. I think we just witnessed our friend’s fiancé tapping all the way into her submissive self in a completely untethered reaction. Lover’s spat or not, she’s his Babygirl, whether she’s ready to admit it or not.”

Sera involuntarily flinched as Kevin’s words reached her ears like an unexpected jolt. A telltale rush of warmth spread across her cheeks in a vivid acknowledgment of embarrassment. Tanner’s knowing eyes locking on hers was unsettling as it felt like he was stripping away the layers she had shielded herself with. Memories and emotions she had believed were buried deep within resurfaced, creating a whirlwind within her.

Shit! I’m not prepared for this!She mentally wrestled with the sudden shift in the direction her life was heading.

Within the span of a few days, the one man she could never forget, once again, held the key to her heart. This unexpected twist wasn’t part of her life’s plan, but fate had a way of throwing surprises.

Well… crap.

Chapter Seven

Sera wasn’t prone to running away and would vehemently deny that her little barn excursion to check out Kaden’s prized Andalusian and Quarter horses had anything to do with avoiding Tanner.

“Well, who can blame me, right?” she cooed at the palomino Quarter horse that sniffed at her hair. “Yes, he gave me a couple of slaps on the day I arrived, but since then, he has been acting normal, but this…” One hand fluttered in the air, and she snorted, “This undeniable Daddy Dom vibe he just sprang on me—in public, mind you—caught me off guard.” She pressed a kiss against the horse’s forehead. “I’ll be damned if I let him see just how much.”

She had to admit though, the way he took control without even giving her a chance to react, was sexy as fuck. She was used to men who tried to take her control from her, but Tanner was a force to be reckoned with.

A shiver trailed down her spine at the slight breeze flowing around her legs as the door of the barn opened.

Shit! He’s here. I shoulda known he’d follow me.

Sera did her best to pretend that she hadn’t heard him arrive and continued to scratch the horse behind his ears. Her ears caught his light footfall as he approached, yet he remained quiet, just standing behind her, waiting for her to acknowledge his presence.

No use pretending, Brookes. Face the devil. You know you want him, and this is the perfect opportunity to assert your own desires. So, take the bull by the dick and get to it.

Drawing a deep breath, she slowly turned around, her eyes meeting the dark, unblinking stare holding her captive.

Tanner Wilde was the epitome of a Southern gentleman and cowboy. The white dress shirt he wore was open at the throat, with the sleeves rolled up, showing off his muscled forearms. His dark hair sprinkled with silver looked tussled as he removed the cowboy hat and tucked it into the back of his belt. His black jeans fit him like a glove, outlining his lean, muscular legs. Black boots encased his feet that were planted wide apart, as if he were preparing himself to catch her in case she turned tail and ran.
