Page 23 of Radical Daddy

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Chiara’s cry of pain was still floating toward him when she fell on the beach from the force of the slap.

“You will respect me, you little chit. The next time you talk to me like that, I will cut out a piece of your tongue.” With his hand fisted around her ponytail, he yanked her upright. “You’re in my world now, little girl. Best you remember that. I’ve been patient with you, but I will not stand for such an attitude. As my adopted daughter, youwillrespect me. Do you understand?”

“Yes! Yes, I understand,” she cried, clawing at the hand that cruelly yanked at her hair.

“The lesson, Chiara. What did you learn?”

“Never play all your cards at once.” In a soft, quivering voice she responded. Her eyes shimmered with unshed tears “There’s always one who is more deceitful than others. One who holds the ace card and has the power to be supreme overall.”

“Perfect. You see?” He patted her cheek as he released her hair. “It wasn’t in vain, this little journey of ours.”

With a satisfied grin etched across his face, he walked toward the waiting car. A sense of achievement emanated from his being. These sorts of situations would eventually chip away at the tender edges of his adopted daughter’s nature. Emotions that he considered trivial, like love and devotion, would slip away in due time. And when they did, she would morph into the very weapon he was meticulously forging her into.

In the months to come, she would evolve into a personal sword to create havoc and destruction as he sought his vengeance.

Chapter Nine

Club Rouge, Baton Rouge, Louisiana…

“Welcome to Club Rouge, Babygirl. This is the entertainment chamber.”

Sera was overwhelmed by a wild jumble of knots tightening inside her stomach. Her fingers tensed around Tanner’s arm as he led her down the short set of stairs into a large open area that was already buzzing with members. Having read hundreds of books about BDSM clubs was one thing but to actually step inside one completely rocked her imagination. More specifically, the eclectic atmosphere drew her in as if she belonged there.

Glancing around, she was in awe to notice the stylish and elegant black, red, and silver theme she had admired in the foyer was continued throughout. The club’s interior portrayed a vision of indulgence, which was reflected everywhere she looked.

“I didn’t expect there to be this many people here already,” she whispered.

“The club is exclusive to members only, and the selection process is stringent to ensure every member is secure in the knowledge that their identity will remain confidential. It’s the last Saturday of the month, little one. It’s theme night, which is very popular with the members since it involves a little… how shall I call it… an alphabetical pleasure treasure hunt.” He patted her hand with an indulgent smile. “Relax, Babygirl. You’re clinging to my arm like I’m dragging you into a slaughterhouse.”

“Don’t pretend that you’re not taking pleasure in my discomfort,” she retorted snippily.

Look at him, just look at that grin!He seemed to be enjoying this moment a little too much. Worse yet, the torches’ flickering light lent him an almost devilish appearance. Not that it mattered. Her heart skipped a beat as she glanced at him. Tanner Wilde was unquestionably a specimen of masculine perfection. Clad in black leather and an open vest, he exuded a raw allure that could drive any woman wild. He looked good enough to fuck.Eat! I meant to eat.

The waves of confidence radiating from him were as potent as the power of his dominance, which was almost tangible. The wings of butterflies dancing around in her stomach awakened the most intimate parts of her body as his laughter rumbled through the air—an alluring yet slightly sinister sound that promised debauchery untold.

“In here, I’m known as Master Thor.”

“Master Thor? Wait, don’t tell me… because you swing a mighty… er… sword?” Sera snickered at the picture forming in her mind.

“No, because my thunder is as potent as my lust.”

“Gmphf,” she snorted, suddenly finding herself annoyed at the thought of him being someone else’s daddy. “I imagine there are many subs here who can attest to that.”

“Hmm, interesting.” His eyes glittered with mirth. “Somehow, I didn’t envision you as the kind of woman who would show her jealousy.”

“Don’t be ridiculous, Daddy. I most assuredly didn’t live the life of a nun all my life, just as you haven’t been celibate. It would be childish to be jealous of your previous lovers… or babygirls.” Her back snapped into a straight line as she stood eye to eye with him. “But you better know that for as long as I hold that position in your life, I will not stand for any otherlittleplaying in my pen.”

Satisfaction glowed in his eyes. Sera didn’t have to wonder about the reason that sparked it. It was the first time she had called him Daddy without being prodded, but somehow, it felt right. In here, with his domination, awaiting her full submission, wrapped around her like an invisible cloak.

“I think I’m going to have fun tonight.”

His raspy voice resonated deep inside her. Sera peeked at him through her lashes, not entirely sure whether she was included in that statement.

His expression turned censoring as he caught her look. “No games tonight, little one. Only pure, unadulterated fun.”

Nope, definitely not. I’m probably gonna be the one screaming and crying, bringinghimimmense pleasure. Yep, the fun part… for him. Asshole Daddy!

She was careful not to let her thoughts reflect in her expression. Tanner was too observant and quick not to notice. One thing she wasn’t going to do was invite punishment. Come what may, she was walking away from this club tonight with a silly grin of sexual satisfaction and overindulgence on her face. That it would, one way or the other, include some sort of BDSM activity excited her… as much as it scared the shit out of her.
