Page 29 of Radical Daddy

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“That’s the kind of word I abhor. Scrap it from your vocabulary.” His voice turned guttural. “I can clearly see something is bothering you.”

“I’m trying not to move,” she hedged.

“No, that isn’t it,” Tanner said. Sera’s sharp mind refused to let go. “Ah, the silence bothers you,” he accurately deduced.

Sera looked up quickly with a surprised expression in her eyes. She was still staring at his face when his smile faltered. Her eyes clouded, but not before he recognized the emotions that flickered within their depth. Doubt and a deep-seated loneliness formed a valley between her brows.

It tugged at his soul to know someone he wanted so badly, who filled a void in his soul, could ever doubt herself, that she wasn’t enough. He shook the thought away. Sera had survived by hiding her emotions. An outsider could only see what she wanted them to see. The dominant person was forced to dig deeper.

His cock responded the instant her thoughts became clear to him. He was glad he’d ordered her to assume the position, because with her chest pressing over the top, her hips angled just right, and her feet spread as wide as the width of her shoulders, she was open. Ready for his touch. The quiver of the muscles at her thighs confirmed it, as did the shiver racing over her ass.

Her toes wiggled but didn’t shift on the spot. As instructed, her body remained perfectly still. With a flutter of her eyelids, they dropped and closed the link between her thoughts and him. It didn’t matter that he’d caught a mere glimpse; it was enough to understand why she wasn’t always honest about her emotions. She’d lived half of her life alone. Of all the things he’d ever have to see, the thought of her all alone broke his heart.

Tanner’s sole reward—or it seemed he could offer her—was to make sure that never happened again.

Their fake engagement just became real, in every sense of the word—at least, it did to him.

Forced out of his thoughts when Sera said, “Master Thor, are you all right?” Tanner offered an instant nod and wrapped his knuckles against her skin. The gentle brush of the back of his fingers over her ass stirred a frisson along her spine. She jumped from the electric current.

“This is going to sting.” His gravelly words settled into her mind as his fingers splayed over her ass cheek. His touch was gone too quick, and another shiver rippled, stronger, a breath later.

Smack. Smack. Smack.

Fire rained down on her ass in three evenly spread slaps. Sera tensed. A small squeal pushed its way past her tightly pursed lips, which quickly became a groan of agony. His palm connected again. Three times in the same spot. Then he moved to the other side. It felt as though she had walked into the jungle and got bitten by the resident cobra. Fire swelled and engulfed the spots where the spanking landed.

“I thought we’re doing a scene involving my clit,” she wailed as he followed his pattern—moving over one and the other side, as if he hadn’t changed it a bit, all the time soothing her skin with gentle rubs of his palms after each attack. The burn turned from painful to red hot, which soothed her. The same burning she felt inside.

“We are, but first I need to clear your mind so you can experience the full impact of the scene,” he responded between slaps.

“Owww,” Sera gasped, shocked at how well he could read her.

This man... how did he do that?It was as if he took every bit of her sadness, pain, and hopelessness inside and burned it up, replacing it with passion and excitement.

Tanner swatted harder and faster, using a slapping motion up and down her buttocks until he had struck the bottom curve of each ass cheek. Once that was done, he leaned forward and grasped a pair of the tweezer clamps from the table.

“Clamp the handles at the edge of the table, under your fingers and with just enough force to hold it steady.” Tanner directed as he knelt behind her. “It’s time to play with our letter of the alphabet.”

Sera was confused by the change of pace in his treatment. Her tense look, coupled with the small frown between her eyes, was evidence it was a new experience for her. One she needed in order to make a full revelation of her inner needs.

“The letter C,” he said softly as he pinched the clasp together around her labial folds. “For clamps.”

Sera mewled and cried out, squirming, realizing there was more in store for her than clit play. Clamps could be used all over the body… nipples and clit included. Heat exploded in red spots all over her body at the thought.

Tanner’s cock hardened at the sounds and the view of the metal clamps in the middle of her lips, distended to the edge, caught between her labia.

“Spread them so the pressure is not off to the sides,” he said, bringing his arm over her hip and to her sex. He manipulated the lips further apart so that both lips, upper and lower, were snuggly pressed together.

“That’s it, my pet,” he whispered. Her teeth clicked as she pulled on the clips she was holding, pulling her labia further apart.

The sight was hot and arousing. “Perfect, now tighten it, slightly,” he directed and waited until she had both ends clenched between her nails and pressed them closed.

“Hmm, the contrast is lovely.” He traced a finger up to the clip at the top of her mound, the one that bit into the hood. It wasn’t set too hard. Just right. Enough that he knew if he pulled it gently with a single finger, her flesh would ache and spread, but not enough to pinch. A fine piece of titanium art.

A subtle tug on his end tested the tension of the clamp. He pulled. Not very much. Just a couple of inches.

“That is a nice view,” he remarked. His other hand caressed her side, from breast to thigh. The satin texture of her skin was familiar and warm, something he would never get tired of feeling.
