Page 36 of Radical Daddy

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“Who… who is this?”

“Shut up,” Salvitore sneered with frustration. “We’ll introduce you when you are done. Train now!” His voice was becoming harsher.

Shoulders bent in defeat, she picked up the blade and stepped closer to Bulldog, watching him wearily. He was obviously annoyed that he was kept awake and would surely take it out on her. The sharpness of his blade reflected in the light above. A shiver trailed down her spine as she spread her feet and took the fighter’s stance.

The moment his huge body rushed toward her, Chiara lifted the blade to protect her face and stumbled back to avoid a strike that would have blinded her. It didn’t deter him from his intention to teach her the importance of having her own knife trained on him at all times.

“Shit, Bulldog. You almost took my eye out,” she panted as she jumped out of reach.

Bulldog growled menacingly, watching her. Was Sanchigo tired of his game? Did he want her to die? Would the next slash slice her throat or jugular?

“No, little chit,” Bulldog growled. “But the sooner you realize that the life of a mafia don’s daughter isn’t an idyllic dream, the better. Out there, you will always have a target on your back, and I won’t be around to save the day. Now stop being such a pussy, and fight!”

In that moment, Chiara was pushed further from her previous dreams of finding true love when she grew up—not with people around who would as soon slice her throat than treat her kindly.

The next slash came from her, as she concentrated on what he had taught her.

“That’s much better, but you’re still too slow. C’mon, let’s see what you’ve got,” Bulldog taunted her as he attacked with renewed vigor.

The blade in her hands became a blur as she matched him with a slash, a feint, and a quick swipe to defend. When his blade sliced through skin and muscle at the top of her left shoulder, Bulldog praised, “Well done.”

But Chiara had reached the end of her endurance. She fell to her knees, covering the cut with her hand. Tears rolled over her cheeks as she watched the blood cipher through her fingers. The burn of the cut felt like a live wire sparking against her skin.

“Stop your caterwauling,” Sanchigo bellowed. “Bulldog, continue. Either she fights, or she’s going to end up in the hospital. It’s time you realized your prissy little life is over. You’re a Sanchigo now, and by God, you will start acting like one!”

His words echoed in her ears, sending waves of fear rushing through her heart. No matter how much she kicked against the path destiny was taking her on, she had no choice. She would have to play the part he was forcing on her until such a time she found a way to escape him. For now, it would be in her best interest to learn to fight as best she could.

Sanchigo was right. Her prissy little life was over. If she ever wanted to have control over her own fate, she needed to become someone else—the kind of person he wanted her to be.

She looked up. Bulldog stood unmoved, his body as hard as the rock walls surrounding her.

With a furious cry, she wiped away the tears, got to her feet, and grabbed the knife. Before she was in position, he came for her again. Instead of jumping to safety, she parried his strikes with increasing speed.

“That’s more like it,” Bulldog murmured as he continued to fuel her anger with quicker slashes. Soon, her shirt was in shreds and blooming red from the little nicks all over her torso.

“That’s much better, but it’s enough for now. You’re bleeding. Truthfully, I’m quite impressed with your ability to wield a knife when pressure is on you to perform. It speaks of strength and character,” Salvitore said as he waved them both closer.

Chiara sensed his satisfaction as a lazy smile spread over his lips.

“Continue like that, and you’ll prove you’re worthy of wearing the Sanchigo name. Come, I’ll make the official introduction.”

The newcomer watched her with unwavering regard. For the first time, she noticed the same cruel glint in his eyes as the one always present in Sanchigo’s.

“This is Luc Delaware. Your future husband.”

Her future husband? She was fifteen years old, for God’s sake! She stared at Sanchigo wide-eyed. If possible, her whole body felt even colder as she became aware of her T-shirt plastering to her body with the blood flowing freely from the nicks. Bile formed in her throat, and she wanted to be sick. Trembling, her eyes darted from Bulldog to the man called Luc Delaware, and then back to Salvitore. “Wh-What do you mean?

“Stop questioning me!” She felt the blow coming before it hit. It was so hard, she catapulted sideways and her face was smashed against her Bulldog’s chest. Sanchigo squeezed her shoulder, making the pain sear like fire, causing the wound to gush open.

“Just what I said. Now, be a good, little girl, find your caretaker so she can dress your wounds, then go to sleep.”

Chiara walked out of the training room as if in a daze. Just when she thought she had figured out how to deal with her fucked-up new life, Sanchigo pierced her soul with another poisoned arrow.

A sinister smile wrapped around Sanchigo’s lips as he watched Bulldog escort young Luc Delaware to his room.

He was training the ultimate weapon to stop the FBI, CIA, and the DEA from interfering in his business. But the failed banking scheme had taught Sanchigo a valuable lesson. Never go into battle without a foolproof backup plan—Luc Delaware was it.

Young and rebellious against a military father who had been pushing him into a box his entire life, at twenty-eight years of age, Luc was keen to show the world his worth. Sanchigo, of course, knew just how to benefit from his desire to get out from under his father’s rule. Luc was key in a guaranteed plan to have the transportation law scrapped across the entire country.

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