Page 40 of Radical Daddy

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“And all the pleasure your Daddy can give and for some of the consequences I deem necessary for the discipline that your little backside requires.”

That one comment broke the spell, and her eyes immediately glazed over.

“Discipline?” She frowned as she shifted her bottom from side to side in memory of the fire his hard hand could cause. “Me? Awww fuck,” her head snapped back as her toes dug into the edge of the bench, unable to help herself as she succumbed to another soul-stealing climax. Trembling, she relished the pure enjoyment Tanner’s skillful cock elicited, moving to a place that turned everything inside her into a liquid mess.

“No use fighting it,” Tanner drawled as his hips joined the motion of the waves, building another climax to join hers in a stormy explosion. “My dick and I,”—he gripped his cock at the base and fucked her deep and hard—“have more discipline than a will-o’-wisp such as yourself. Face it. I won’t allow anything else.” He grasped her ankle, and the other joined it on his left shoulder.

“I will allow and demand,”—he placed his hands next to her body as he surged deep inside with a growling chuckle—“that you surrender. At all times. On all levels and to the very depths of your soul. Open up your heart and body. Lift your spirit and surrender. You know what I’m asking for, Babygirl.” He paused mid-thrust. His breathing was heavy, but the intensity in his eyes held her transfixed. “Will you? Will you surrender and give me this? All of it?”

She didn’t answer. Instead, her lips parted on a gasp when he eased in and out, rotating and pressing his engorged cock deeper, coaxing, tempting her, bringing every cell and pore to attention. Her mind began to shut down again and switch off from the demands he was making on her mind, her body, and her heart.

She responded, allowing the tiny, shimmery ray of light in the far recesses of her brain to burst forth in a frenzied blaze as Tanner once again gave her body permission to take flight into the sky.

“Surrender,” he said with the same amount of finality in his tone as before, the dominance making her shiver in trepidation. “You know you need to, my little one. Do it. Surrender,” he whispered against her lips before he covered them with a kiss so passionately demanding, there was no doubt in her mind where the soul-searing interlude had landed her.

Right at the feet of his absolute, complete, and radical authority.

Tanner Wilde, her Daddy Dom, and Master, and her future husband. Nowhere in that equation did the words fake or pretend feature.


Chapter Fifteen

Fourteen years ago…

For the first time in two months, Sera had a spring in her step. Thankfully, the tour to Iraq had been a short one, but it had also been the hardest one of the few she’d been on since she joined the army and the reason she had decided to apply for a Directorate of Operations at the CIA. Even at the young age of twenty-four, she was one of the best in tactical maneuvers, and therefore drawn to go on various tours.

To leave her one-year-old little girl behind with her aunt had been the most harrowing thing she ever had to do. Although she initially insisted that Sera must abort the baby, she had shown a true liking for her baby niece, which was the only reason Sera had felt comfortable that she would take care of her. She drew comfort in the fact that Uncle Steve loved her and would be there to look out for her.

“It’s definitely time to reconsider my career, especially since I don’t have a husband to be there for our child when I have to go on these tours. I don’t think I can keep doing this. Being without her for two months… What if I’m called on a six-month or a year tour? No, I made the right decision to join the CIA. I’m all she’s got.”

Guilt rippled over her. She didn’t have a husband. Never got married or even been engaged. Her beautiful little baby girl, Savannah, didn’t have a father. Well, she did, but he didn’t know about her. Sera had never told him. What was the point? It had been a one-night stand, and she doubted he even remembered her. A night of hot indulgence after a party where she had celebrated her twenty-second birthday with a group of friends at a club.

And got rip-roaring drunk for the first and last time in her life.

That she even remembered what had happened or how gorgeously sexy and hot the guy was surprised her. Yet she did. She recalled every touch, every caress, every kiss, and every shattering climax she had over the course of the night—not once thinking about protection, or the danger of falling pregnant.

Of course, her aunt had been furious that she had the audacity to fall pregnant. Even though Sera didn’t live with them anymore, she was really fond of her Uncle Steve, and it shook her how disappointed he was in her when she told them. He had such high hopes for her in her military career, one he had helped her to achieve since he was the Director of the CIA. He felt having a child would hamper her opportunities.

Sera stood firm and against their wishes, gave birth to Savannah eight months later. Of course, Uncle Steve insisted she go and live with them. Alone, vulnerable, and afraid that she wouldn’t be a good mother, she gave in and moved in with them. It went well… at first. Her aunt had kept her distance as much as possible. She never let an opportunity pass to let Sera know how she had humiliated them in the community and jeopardized her uncle’s reputation at the CIA and his chances at running for president one day. Lately, Sera wasn’t so sure her aunt wanted her and Savannah there anymore. They were having large parties at home, setting the path to Uncle Steve running for Office.

Perhaps it was time to find their own place. She knew she could take care of Savannah and that she was a good mother. She didn’t need her aunt and uncle to hold her hand anymore.

With a smile on her face, she walked through the front door, calling out brightly, “Hi everyone, I’m home!”

Silence folded around her like a heavy cloak as soon as the echo of her voice dissipated. She felt it… the emptiness, the loss.

“No! No, no, no! Savannah!” Sera’s legs moved restlessly on the bed as the dream kept her captive like the tentacles of an octopus.

With her heart beating rapidly, she called out her uncle and aunt’s names as she raced up the stairs toward Savannah’s bedroom.

“Where is everyone? Uncle Steve! Oh, God. NO! NO!”

Sera’s legs gave way, and she fell to her knees as she ran into Savannah’s bedroom… except there was no sign of it ever being a little baby girl’s room. The pink curtains with unicorns were gone. The wall painting of a mystic forest with unicorns, bunnies, and bees was no more. The walls were painted a stark white. A large four-poster bed dominated the room, covered in a dark green comforter.

“Savannah! Oh, God! Where is my baby?”

“Stop that godawful noise, Sera. You’re giving me a headache.”
