Page 48 of Radical Daddy

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He might not be willing to admit it, but she knew. He loved her, too.

Chapter Eighteen

“Come, it’s time.” Untangling himself from her, Tanner led her to the large bed.

Sera glanced between the two men, now secure in the knowledge that her Daddy did care for her. Sexually, she had never experienced the satisfaction she had with Tanner. Maybe sexual need was like a drug, and certain things became a must-have. If she was honest with herself, she had been dreaming about the rapturous sensations the books she read described of double penetration?experiencing the ultimate pleasure of being fucked from both sides.

“Please take off your panties, sub,” Master Z ordered.

Sera stiffened at the demand, but she didn’t hesitate. The commanding presence of this man teased at the submissive inside her, and she reacted instinctively.

Both men removed their shirts and kicked off his shoes in easy masculine moves, waiting patiently for her to comply. She glanced at Master Z. He was a delicious specimen of manhood with his bulging muscles and broad chest that tapered into narrow hips. His abs rippled with every movement he made. Her breath staggered in her throat. To have two such powerful and gorgeously sexy men at her disposal was almost more than she could fathom, especially since within the boundaries of the lifestyle, she was the one with the ultimate control.

Sera dropped the thong on a chair and straightened. With her hands behind her back, she waited. Master Z circled her, tracing a finger over her skin.

“Such delicate beauty, yet strong and confident, am I correct, Master Thor?”

“Indeed, Master Z.”

Slade pressed his hard body against her back. His arms circled her waist to cup her breasts.

“You’re trembling, Sera. Are you scared of me?”

“No, Master Z. It’s just… I don’t know what to expect.”

“We’ll take care of you, little one. Of that, I can assure you. All you need to do is relax and feel. Clear your mind of all the trepidation and fear. Just… feel.”

He squeezed her breasts and trailed his palms with feathered lightness over her nipples. His deep voice relaxed her. She leaned back against his hard body, feeling the heat of his touch penetrate her skin. She bit her lip as arousal slowly unfurled inside her loins.

“On the bed, please, Babygirl.” Tanner’s voice reached her as if in a haze. Without her brain giving the instruction, she found herself kneeling in the center of the large bed.

Joining her, Slade stood behind her and nibbled on her earlobe while he continued to play with her nipples. Squeezing, pinching, and tugging gently, every action aimed to spike her arousal. And it did, at an alarming rate as she closed her eyes and imagined what it would feel like to be at the mercy of two such gentle giants.

Thenhewas there, pressing his naked chest against hers, stealing her breath away at the unexpectedness of it.

“Breathing, Babygirl?” Tanner asked, examining her expression and eyes for signs of discomfort or fear.

“Barely, Daddy, but I’ll be better, now that you joined us.”

“Hm, I see you’re wearing that rosy hue of arousal I like so much, little one.”

“Master Z has magic hands, Daddy, but you have the master touch,” she hissed when he leaned down to nibble and suck on her taut nipples. “I’m sorry. I should keep quiet,” she mumbled when she realized she’d unwittingly broken the rule of earlier. No talking unless asked a question.

“You’re free to talk, little one. I daresay you won’t be able to keep quiet for too long.”

Sera could feel the trembling in her thighs, the slow burn of warmth that ignited inside her core. Just the thought of their cocks rubbing against each other deep inside her caused her pussy to tingle in anticipation.

“We’re about to give you a mind-blowing experience, Little S. One that will make you realize what submitting to your Daddy is all about. What being my Babygirl means. From this point on, there’ll only be pleasure in your mind.”

Sera gasped as she felt their hard tumescence press against her thighs. Tanner was big, but from the hardness pressed on her left, she ascertained that Master Z was huge. A ménage à trois was a new experience for her and a wave of trepidation washed over her, hoping she wasn’t about to make a complete fool of herself.

Slade traced his hand over her stomach while Tanner pressed his lips against hers in a warm, tender kiss that promised sensual delights. She whimpered as their hands closed around her breasts, gently kneading and flicking their thumbs over the taut tips. Tanner feasted on her mouth with a skill that made her forget the past. Her breath hissed from her mouth as Slade trailed his lips over her collarbone to kiss the curve of her throat.

She hung onto Tanner’s neck and returned his kiss with urgency, arching her back to press her breasts deeper into their hands. The experience flung her onto a cloud of euphoria. She moaned when the two men licked a slow path over her chest to kiss the underside of her breasts.

“Oh Lord,” Sera whimpered, not used to such tender caresses from two men at the same time. She’d never realized how sensitive her breasts were to touch. Gentle touch, not painful twists and pinches. Now, with both of them nibbling and kissing the slope of her breasts, she craved more. Their lips tugged on the needy tips, then sucked them into their mouths with evident lust.

They were gentle until Slade sucked harder and stretched her nipple, clamping his teeth around the tip.

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