Page 5 of Radical Daddy

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Throughout her tenure in the Directorate of Operations, Sera showcased exceptional skills in tactical maneuvers and firearms, earning her a reputation as a proficient and reliable operative. However, it was after her final assignment, and still haunted by losing the most precious thing in her life years before, that Sera reached a pivotal crossroads in her life.

Death had come knocking on her door too many times during the six years in the field. She had just turned thirty-two, and it was time for a change. In the crucible of war, Sera’s unwavering courage gave way to a profound realization that there must be another way to make a difference in the world other than putting her life on the line every day. Putting herself in the line of fire would never bring back what she had lost. If she hadn’t chosen this career in the first place, she never would’ve suffered that torment. Hence, she decided to step away from the frontlines and forge a new direction in her career, one that would leverage her expertise and experiences to affect change and leave enough room to pursue her personal dreams.

In total, it’s been fourteen years and I still haven’t found what I’m searching for. At this rate, I might never.Shaking off the negative energy terrorizing her, she caught the medic’s gaze.

“We’ve come too far to lose him now, Douglas. Whatever it takes, keep him breathing.” She looked at the pilot. “Step on it, Captain.”

“This isn’t a V12 Ferrari, Agent Brookes, but I’m gonna push it as fast as I can.”

“Just get us there, stat.”

She smiled wryly as another memory flashed through her mind.

“Do you need help picking up that rifle, rookie?”

“No, sir, I can do it.”

“Then get to it. You’re holding up the entire class.”

Sera grimly lifted the heavy rifle and settled it on her shoulder. With a deep exhale, she calmed her mind and started jogging after the group of rookies. It was the second week of her training at Quantico as a field officer for the CIA. She had been doing very well… until HE arrived—special black ops operative Tanner Wilde. Ever since then, she had turned into a blushing, bumbling teenager.

Having a crush on your trainer wasn’t very conducive to kicking off a successful career with the CIA, especially since it was colored by a memory of one night so very long ago. Every time he looked in her direction, her body exploded with lust, and she forgot all she had learned or was supposed to do. There was no doubt about it. If he as much as lifted a pinky in her direction as an invitation, she would jump at the chance.

She dragged in a slow breath as she forced her attention back to the present. Staring at him, she acknowledged the truth.

Hell, I still would. Yes, even beaten and broken, he still has the same effect on me. This is one seriously fuckable man.

Chapter Three

Five weeks later… DEA National Intelligence Operations Offices, New Orleans…

“Why me? I’m not a damn bodyguard. Besides, I’m knee deep in the investigation to track Salvitore Sanchigo. What good would I do babysitting a man with a chip on his shoulder?”

“I don’t think we’re talking of the same man, Agent Brookes. If there’s one thing Senator Tanner Wilde isn’t, it’s cocky or vain.” Deputy Chief Jason Scott regarded her with his head tilted. “No, something else is bugging you. Don’t tell me you’re scared you’ll fall in love with him?”

“Falling in love is highly overrated. Besides, I don’t have time for that shit, you know that better than anyone,” she snapped while desperately banning the vision of the tall, muscled man that had been haunting her dreams ever since she rescued him from her mind.

The harrowing death of her mother at the merciless hands of her stepfather had ignited an unwavering loathing for narcotics deep within Sera. With time, this profound aversion had seeped into the very core of her being, coursing through her veins like an indomitable essence. It had become her life’s purpose, akin to a sacred oath—a relentless commitment to hunt down and dismantle drug syndicates, sparing no effort to cleanse society of their insidious influence.

Driven by an insatiable thirst for justice, Sera made the momentous decision to depart from her role at the CIA. Instead, she embraced a new calling as an SRT Operator within the DEA’s Office of National Security Intelligence. Their mission to combat drug trafficking dovetailed seamlessly with her fervent pursuit, providing her with the ideal platform to actively confront the menace she vehemently abhorred.

Though haunted by the painful memories of her mother’s demise and her own personal loss, Sera’s heart was now a bastion of resilience fortified by her commitment to the cause. She channeled her grief into a potent force for good as she transformed her personal tragedy into a relentless crusade against drug traffickers and their vile enterprises.

“Nevertheless, you’re the one I need on this.”

“But Deputy Chief, what about Salvitore Sanchigo? You know how long I’ve been chasing that motherfucker? Playing bodyguard at this crucial point—”

“To the contrary. It’s exactly why you’re the perfect bodyguard for the senator.”

“I don’t follow.” Sera straightened in the chair.

“I’m sure your team uncovered the latest developments in Sanchigo’s portfolio while you were gone. Senator Wilde, along with Triple K Secure, played a pivotal role in uncovering the true identity of Sanchigo and his part in the recent banking fiasco.”

“The foiled banking fiasco, you mean?”

“Exactly. At the time, Wilde was still attorney general and went deep undercover to infiltrate the group responsible. It was through his and the Frazer brothers’ efforts that Sanchigo’s identity was discovered.” With a shrug, he settled back in his chair. “Unfortunately, he somehow managed to escape and disappeared into thin air. Since then, no one has been able to find the hole he’s hiding in.”

“So, if I stick close to Tanner Wilde…”
