Page 6 of Radical Daddy

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“Exactly. I’m hoping that Sanchigo, aka Carlo Coldero, would be gunning for revenge.” He tapped his fingers on the desk. “Just stay out of the line of fire, Agent Brookes. I can’t afford to lose more agents and I fucking refuse to stand next to another grave any time soon.”

“Always, DC.” Sera sighed heavily, a sign of acceptance of the mission. “I assume you already have a covert plan set up?”

“Of course, I do.” The smile curving his lips was Chesire-like. “Congratulations, Agent Brookes. You are Senator Tanner Wilde’s newly-acquired fiancé… and since his kidnapping and torture have been kept from the tabloids, also the reason why he has been gone for over two months. He went to woo you to accept his proposal after you ran off to Africa when he first asked you.”

“You have got to be kidding me.” Sera gaped at him as her mind scrambled to make sense of what was lying ahead with this piece of unforeseen detail.

“Better get some fancy clothes and heels, Agent Brookes. You’re going to become quite the socialite on the arm of one of the most beloved senators in the U.S. and Louisiana.”

“Like hell! I don’t wear goddamn heels. I have no intention of breaking my neck trying to balance on sticks while I run.”

“Run? Come now, Brookes. You’ll be wined and dined. No running for at least a couple of months.”

“If, as you said, he played a pivotal role in scamming Sanchigo, believe me, there will be a lot of running involved.” She grinned at the prospect. “And shooting. Lots and lots of shooting.”

Deputy Chief Scott was hard pressed not to roll his eyes. “You do understand the meaning of covert, don’t you, Brookes?”

Within her circle of peers, Sera had earned a formidable reputation as an indomitable force, a figure often spoken of with profound respect as the ‘lady of steel’—a title she had more than earned. Her armor was nigh impenetrable, a shield that most men found themselves powerless against. Fear was an alien concept to her, and she routinely positioned herself at the vanguard of every raid, showcasing an uncanny knack for detecting the minutest details that often eluded others.

Within her team, she was the embodiment of both fearlessness and unparalleled skill, her confidence unshaken in the face of any challenge that dared to cross her path. Sera’s presence was like an unyielding beacon, illuminating the darkest corners of every mission with unwavering determination and capability.

Except this operation involved a factor she was completely ill-equipped to handle. Okay, not entirely true. She could handle Tanner Wilde, but the added caveat of her libido going into overdrive whenever the sexy, almost silver fox looked her way? Now, that would play havoc with her self-control and keeping her guard up 24/7.

Hell, and damnation, it’s going to be a serious challenge keeping my hands off the man.

“So, you want me to turn into a Barbie doll?” She fluttered her eyelids. “Not exactly my MO, Deputy. If that’s what you expect, this op is going to be an epic failure before it even starts.”

“I don’t care what persona you take, Sera, but know one thing. You’re going to be stuck like glue to Tanner Wilde. He won’t be able to piss without you holding his hand.” A speculative glint sparked in Jason’s eyes, casting a flicker of intrigue across his features, while her cheeks underwent a transformation, flushing with a crimson hue akin to a sudden burst of vibrant red paint splashed onto a canvas. Her reaction was both rare and captivating, a response that left him intensely curious. “Now, that’s quite interesting,” he muttered, his gaze narrowing as he subjected her to a scrutinizing examination. “Is there something you’ve been keeping from me regarding Senator Wilde, Brookes?”

“Like what exactly?” Her endeavor to retain her composure was evident as Sera shifted uncomfortably in her chair, attempting to mask her disconcertment.

“You tell me,” Jason replied with a raised eyebrow, his penetrating stare locking onto her. Known for his keen wit and perceptive nature, he left no room for her to believe that her reaction had gone unnoticed. A sense of disquiet gnawed at the edges of her mind as she grappled with the realization that he had not misconstrued her response. She cursed her imagination for conjuring an inappropriate scene of Senator Wilde, envisioning scenarios that her better judgment urged her to banish, especially one of him with his pants unzipped and caressing his hard—

Focus, Brookes. Get your mind out of the man’s pants. It’s the last thing you should be thinking of!

“There’s nothing.” She returned his stare unblinkingly. “I propose you spell out my mission. What exactly am I supposed to do?”

Jason’s tone grew serious. “You have one duty only. Keep Senator Wilde safe and alive. He played a vital role in crafting the new transportation law, designed to clamp down on the drug syndicates and the mafia’s freedom to smuggle drugs and weapons across our borders. The penalties are severe, and that’s precisely why they’ll stop at nothing to have the bill scrapped. Our intel indicates that Wilde wields enough influence in the Senate to prevent the bill from reaching the President’s desk, which, for some unknown reason, hasn’t happened yet. Until it does and it’s signed, your task is to keep him safe and out of the clutches of the drug cartels and mafia groups.”

Taking a deep breath, Sera absorbed the weight of the mission, knowing the stakes were high. Nodding, she got up.

“When is my mission a go?”

“It started the moment you walked into my office.”

“Then I better go and pack.” She stopped at the door. “Last I heard the senator was still in hospital. Has he been released since?”

“No. That’s where your mission kicks off, Brookes. The senator’s loving fiancé is going to take him home from the hospital in the morning.”

“Brilliant,” she mumbled.

“Oh, two more things. Before leaving, get your ass over to the basement. They’ve got your wardrobe ready for pickup.”

“My wardrobe? I can dress myself, thank you very much.”

“I’m afraid camo gear isn’t going to cut it this time.” He held up his hand. “It’s not a debate, Brookes. You’ll wear the clothes selected, end of story.”

Hands on her hips, she glowered at him. “And the second thing?”

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