Page 51 of Radical Daddy

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“Ah, I knew I chose well. Don’t worry, my child. No one will ever take my place. I guarantee it.”

The Triple K Secure Offices, Triple K Farm, Bunkie, Louisiana…

“We found Sanchigo.”

“About fucking time,” Tanner said as he sat down at the conference table with a hot cup of latte in his hand. “Where is he?”

“He’s here. In Louisiana.” Kaden shrugged at the surprised looks Tanner and Slade gave him. “He arrived on a private plane at Omni Airport two hours ago. Our virtual alerts picked him up via facial recognition when they got off the plane on the tarmac.”

“Brilliant. So, what are we waiting for? Where is he now?” Tanner chucked down the hot beverage in one swallow, eager to get done with Sanchigo so he could concentrate on finding his daughter.

“He arrived with an entourage of four bodyguards, a young girl, and a very surprising guest,” Kevin said as he opened his laptop and typed in a command. The large screen on the wall flickered to life, showing the picture of the group walking toward a waiting SUV.

“What the fuck is the VP’s son doing with Sanchigo?” Slade leaned forward as he peered at the photo.

“Yep, you’re right. That’s Luc Delaware,” Keith confirmed.

“Do you think he’s been kidnapped?” Tanner asked.

“I doubt it,” Kaden pointed to the monitor. “He seemed as close as petals on a flower with Sanchigo. Whatever his reason for being in his presence, it’s not because he’s under duress.”

“That’s fucked up. Now we know he’s up to no good,” Tanner railed. “So, where the hell are they, and who is that young girl?”

“We have no idea where they are or who the girl is. So far, facial recognition has come up blank, which isn’t surprising. Sanchigo has the contacts to keep his entire family’s lives off the virtual world. No one knows what his wife or kids look like,” Slade interjected.

“That girl is too young to be his daughter,” Tanner peered at the screen. “Well, gentlemen, we can either stand here with our collective dicks in our hands or take some action.” He looked around the room. “How the fuck don’t you know where they are. You had them at the airport.”

“The last sighting was when the SUV disappeared into an underground parking garage,” Kaden sighed with frustration. “It hasn’t come out. I sent a team to check, and the vehicle is still there. They must’ve swapped cars.”

“Damn it,” Slade mumbled. “Alright, Kaden, keep a team guarding that garage until we can identify the location of where they disappeared to. In the meantime, keep looking. I’m going to visit the Director of the Secret Service to find out why the son of the VP of the United States is in bed with Sanchigo. I sure am looking forward to hearing what they have to say about it.”

“Oh my God!” Sera’s shocked voice floated from the door where she stood staring at the screen. “You found her. Oh, dear God! You found her!”

“Sera?” Tanner got up and grasped her hand, which was trembling visually. “What are you talking about?”

“It’s… she… that girl…” she stuttered as she opened her handbag and took out a worn photograph. She pushed it in front of Tanner’s face. “Look!”

“Sera? Who is this?” Tanner’s voice cracked as he looked at the picture of the laughing family on a beach. The young girl was a mirror image of the one walking next to Sanchigo on the screen.

“That’s me,” Sera said brokenly. “That’s me, Tanner. I was fourteen years old.” She looked back at the screen and pointed at it. “See? She looks exactly like me, and I know. I can feel it! That’s our daughter.” Her voice rose hysterically. “Oh, Jesus! What’s she doing with that bastard?”

If Tanner hadn’t caught her, Sera would have crumbled to the floor. Holding onto him, she sank into a chair. Her face was ashen with her eyes full of pain as the horrific realization hit home her that their child was in the clasp of one of the most depraved criminals on the planet.

“I’m going to take Sera home,” Tanner said as he picked her limp body up from the chair. “Keep me in the loop. I want to know the fucking moment you find that bastard.”

The Wilde Ridge Farm, Bunkie, Louisiana…

“I think you should go and lie down, love. You need to calm down.”

“I’m not going to lie down, and I most fucking definitely don’t need to calm down. I want that bastard, Tanner. I want him dead. Do you hear me? I want him…” A dry sob hijacked her tirade as within the next breath, Sera broke down, and started crying. Deep, desolate sobs that wreaked through her body. She clung to him in despair. “I never thought I’d f-find her, and n-now that you did, h-he’s got her. Th-That bastard has her, Tanner! I want my little girl. I want our little girl!”

“We’ll find her, Babygirl, and once we do, he’s going to be sorry he ever came near her.”

A tempest of fury surged within Tanner, an intensity of anger that eclipsed any emotion he had ever encountered. It wasn’t merely anger; it was a potent blend of emotions that coalesced into an overwhelming rage. The ferocity of his emotions caught him off guard, a maelstrom that threatened to engulf his usual composure. He had no doubt that Sanchigo was using Savannah. That he had in some way found out who she was and was going to use her against them in his war of vengeance.

He battled to restrain the turmoil that surged within him, knowing all-too well that his reactions had the potential to stoke the flames of Sera’s own emotions. With his daughter ensnared in the clutches of that fuckface, he recognized the deadly stakes at play. The last thing he could allow was for the woman who now occupied the most sacred chamber of his heart to recklessly charge into the same perilous abyss of danger. He hugged Sera tightly, unconsciously tightening his grip until she whimpered in protest.

“We’ll find her, love. That I promise.” Ignoring her protest, he carried her to their bedroom and laid her down on the bed. “Try to sleep. I’m going to make you a cup of tea.”
