Page 54 of Radical Daddy

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A deafening blast ripped through Bulldog as he charged after Tanner. The second bullet from Kaden’s gun that hit him between the eyes almost disintegrated half of his head. He collapsed on the floor, blood pouring from his cracked skull.

For Tanner, time seemed to stretch and bend. His anguished cry and the cacophony of gunshots faded into a distant haze as he knelt beside Sera. Her flickering gaze met his, and her breaths grew shallow.

“Our little girl is so beautiful, Tanner. I’m s-so sorry I never told you about h-her. P-Please take care of her. L-Love her for me.”

“No!” Savannah screamed as she caught Sera’s hand. “You can’t die. Please, Mom! You found me. You have to fight! Please, don’t die.” She raised tear-filled eyes to Tanner. “Please, Dad! Do something. Don’t let her die!”

“A med-evac is already on the way,” Kaden said, his voice a lifeline in the chaos as Tanner looked helplessly at him.

“Do you hear that, my love,” Tanner whispered against Sera’s lips. “Help is almost here. Just hold on, Babygirl. For our daughter… for me. Please, just hold on.”

“I l-love you, T-Tanner,” she whispered, her voice growing weaker. “I a-always did.”

Tanner’s heart faltered as her body grew limp in his arms.

“No! Dear God, please. Hold on, Sera. You can’t… you just can’t…”

Her eyes flared one last time and then…

She was gone.

Chapter Twenty

The Wilde Ridge Farm, Bunkie, Louisiana…

The sun shone brilliantly in the sky. The vibrant green hues of nature seemed almost conspiratorial, defiantly asserting that life continued its usual course, undisturbed by the heavy emotions that weighed on Tanner’s heart.

Amid the vibrant surroundings, he exhaled slowly, attempting to quell the turbulence within him. This day should have been as gray and somber as his emotions dictated, yet the birds sang joyously, and the flowers exuded their opulent fragrances, as if oblivious to his inner turmoil.

Ignoring the well-meaning attempts of those around him to engage in conversation, Tanner walked around the gathering, resembling a mere shadow of his usual self. He wished he could blend into the fleeting shadows cast by the trees, sparing himself the twisted anguish that churned within.

Taking a seat, he glanced toward the left, where his parents rested in eternal slumber. A small, colorful garden he had meticulously nurtured stood as a loving tribute to their memory.

“Their souls deserve the beauty of these blossoming rose petals, the scent of love and remembrance. A testament that we have not forgotten them,” Tanner mused softly.

“Are you okay, poppet?” he acknowledged Savannah as she sat down next to him. She nodded as she leaned her head on his shoulders. Tears that had constantly flowed since Sera died were ever present on her cheeks. Her small hand slipped between his clasped fist, intertwining her fingers with his.

“I wish I had known her, Dad,” she whispered, her voice filled with longing. “I never knew, but the day I saw her again… th-that day I realized just how much my heart has missed her all these years.”

“I wish I had more time to know the real her, too, sweetie.” Tanner’s voice was strained. His emotions were like a tightly coiled spring, threatening to unravel at any moment. He hadn’t wept, he hadn’t raged. He simply existed in a void of emptiness.

“It’s my fault,” Savannah’s voice trembled with raw emotion. “I should’ve refused, let that maniac take my life instead of doing his bidding. Then Mom would still—”

“No!” Tanner’s voice was firm, cutting through the self-blame that weighed on his daughter. “I don’t ever want to hear you say those words again. You bear no responsibility for your mother’s death, Savannah. You were as much a victim as she was.”

Savannah’s red-rimmed eyes sought answers. “What’s going to happen to him? Will he be locked up forever?”

Tanner’s internal turmoil churned. The anger he harbored toward Sanchigo, the mafia don who had eluded justice, simmered beneath the surface like a volatile energy ready to ignite. Sanchigo had exploited the chaos surrounding Sera’s shooting to make his escape. Since then, he and his new puppet, Luc Delaware, had vanished without a trace.

“Yes, darling. He will rot in jail. I’ll make sure of that.” Today wasn’t the time to tell her that Sanchigo had avoided capture, especially since she was already hunching under the guilt she felt.

Hatred consumed Tanner’s every waking moment. Yet, he possessed a patience born of necessity. He vowed never to cease his pursuit of vengeance against the man who had shattered their lives. Tanner understood the perilous path revenge carved, leading to two graves—one for the enemy and one for himself. But he no longer cared. Aside from the profound love he had discovered for his daughter, he felt dead inside, haunted by an emptiness that threatened to consume his very soul. Though Savannah had entered his life only recently, she had seamlessly become an integral part of him, entwining herself with his life, heart, and soul.

“Dad, please promise me one thing.” Savannah squeezed his hand between hers.

“Anything, darling.”

“Please don’t leave me alone. I know you’re angry and hurt, but if you die… I’ll have no one. I need you to live. I need you to tell me about Mom. I need to know who and what she was. Please, Dad. I don’t want you to die as well!”

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