Page 100 of My Perfect Villain

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Drawing a conclusion, I waded my way back to my physical form, following the illuminated trail my projection left behind before latching onto a tether to reality. As I sank back into my body, my eyes shot wide open and I drew a deep breath. Sweat broke across my forehead, followed by a deep whine.

Goddesses, I miss the crisp embrace of snowy weather to cool my heated body. Already, the high temperatures of the jungle have taken a toll on me.

With the newfound knowledge, I barreled through the intricate maze and straight to the objective. The towering waterfalls fed by the melted snow of the mountains, right where Zara had taken me before I fell into the clutches of a heat stroke. Of course she’d make it the objective. The panther alpha must’ve sensed I wouldn’t back down from the challenge, so she knew I’d need to refresh my senses before I collapsed once more to the heat.

The ground beneath me trembled, and before I could react, massive stone pillars burst through the earth, creating a treacherous obstacle course. I leaped and dodged, using my agility to navigate the shifting platforms. Each misstep could send me plummeting into the abyss below, but I refused to let fear consume me.

The jungle seemed to possess a malevolent intelligence, challenging me at every turn. As I ventured deeper into the labyrinth, the paths became increasingly obscured, each turn leading me further into the unknown. It was then that I encountered a treacherous obstacle—a pool of quicksand seemed to materialize out of thin air. With each step, the sand clung to my fur, threatening to pull me down into its murky depths. I fought against its grasp, shaking my body vigorously to free myself from its suffocating hold.

As I caught my breath, movement in the corner of my eye drew my attention. Sinister figures slithered through the shadows, their dark forms undulating with an eerie grace. Venomous fangs glistened in the dim light, poised to strike with lethal precision. The air crackled with danger, a silent warning of the peril that awaited me.

Retracting my steps, I knew continuing along this particular path would lead to nothing but further danger. The obstacles that lay in wait were far too perilous for me to face head-on. It was clear I needed to tap into more than just my feline senses if I wished to navigate this maze unscathed.

A sense of determination welled within me; a reminder of the gift bestowed upon me by our sacred deity. It was a power that resided within, waiting to be unleashed.

The air grew heavy with the scent of fear and pain, intermingling with the earthy aroma of the jungle. I could hear faint shouts and cries of desperation, their voices a chorus of turmoil that reverberated through the twisting corridors. Each exclamation carried with it a tinge of agony, a testament to the obstacles they encountered. The jungle itself seemed to shudder in response, its ancient trees quivering as if in sympathy for the defeated.

Vines wrapped around the trunks of trees clung to bark, then trembled to life. They moved like snakes, twisting with a mind of their own brought forth by an enchantment, and beckoned to test their mettle. With a breath to fuel my determination, I took cautious steps through them, thanking the deities above that I’d avoided the vipers in the obstacle beside this one.

As I emerged into the center of the maze, my heart eased as I encountered the brisk, cooling breeze carried over. The witches must’ve set up a teleportation spell as I felt the remnant of magic brush my face. Over the years, I’d heard stories my kind whispered about what lay within the shimmering cracks of stone behind the falls. I’d read about a hidden chamber, a secret ethereal sanctuary guarded by powerful enchantments.

Before me, a breathtaking sight unfolded—a majestic waterfall nestled amidst snow-capped mountains. As the waters descended, they transformed into a translucent veil of liquid diamonds, each droplet reflecting the brilliance of the sun. Approaching the edge of the waterfall, the cool droplets kissed my fur, teasing me with their icy touch. They beckoned me to enter their embrace, to surrender to the allure of transformation. Yielding to their call, I allowed myself to enter.

The rush of water was refreshing against my heated body, and I relished in the cooling sensations. I had to fight off the surge of emotions it evoked within me. The cool temperature of the water forced me to shift to my human form, bidding me to bask in the sensations even as my entire body trembled. I glanced toward the rocks lining the edge of the pool. There, as if placed with intention, lay a set of attire—garments that seemed to have been left for this very moment. With gratitude for the unseen hands that had prepared this gift, I swiftly changed into the clothing. The fabric molded to my form, providing comfort and freedom of movement.

I was easily brought back to the alpha. Her hand wrapped around my throat, my thighs chafing. A breathy moan parted my lips and my core clenched at the memory.

Even as she belittled me, the sheer power she held over me was unlike anything I’d ever experienced. It awakened my body to her touch, wishing she would command me to her bidding and allow my body to bask in pleasure. I would writhe beneath her touch, crumble into the nothingness she sees within me.

“I should’ve figured you’d cheat your way through the maze.” A voice startled me from the vision, and I gasped.

Pulling my hand from between my thighs, my brows furrowed as I took a step back, squinting through the darkness. A powerful figure emerged, stepping into the light, and I quickly recognized him as the beta that brought murmurs from the crowd.

He seemed to have no reaction to the subtle arousal lingering in the atmosphere. Was he mated?

He smirked as he surveyed me, his teeth bared in a primal display of dominance. I shuddered in his presence, but not in fear or submission. Never the latter. A fiery sense of determination cut through the frost, bidding me to square my stance.

His gaze held a certain arrogance, a confidence that stemmed from his belief in my supposed inferiority as an omega. I refused to let his taunts distract me.

A reverberating growl within the shadows pulled my death glare from his figure. The sound belonged to a displeased alpha, and I was reminded we were being spectated by her, by the panther alpha, Zara.

Ignoring her blazing presence, I lunged forward in a swift motion, engaging the beta in an unforgiving dance of combat. My snow leopard surged with primal instincts, but I refused to shift, choosing to wait for the advantageous opportunity to overpower his leopard with my own. Yet, as we clashed, his movements became fluid and overwhelming.

Our growls and roars echoed off the stone walls of the chamber, trembling the atmosphere. My curled fists and swift feet became extensions of my ferocious will, cutting through the air with precision. It was a dance of aggression. Years of training had honed my skills as I’d worked to mold myself into a formidable fighter. Every blow was infused with pent-up frustration of being undermined and underestimated by my fellow feline comrades.

Now, he was among those few. Who did this feline think he was to step into the field and challenge for the position? I’d only seen him a handful of times on the field. He was arrogant enough to believe he didn’t require the extensive training. That his blood status would be enough to earn him what he desired.

This was my moment to prove myself—to prove them all wrong. What ran through my blood wasn’t what mattered or determined where I belonged in this world. It was my will, my drive to rightfully earn what I desired.

Aiming for the tender and vulnerable spots on his body, my fist shot forward, targeting his ribs and abdomen. Each connection sounded with a loud smack, a cathartic expression of my determination as I released heavy breaths. The beta was built sturdy, with sinewy muscle as every hit reverberated through my knuckles and shot up my arm.

Exhilaration coursed through my veins as he backed up. But I was on him in an instant.

A powerful blow landed squarely on his jaw, snapping his head to the side. The crack of bone followed by the spitting of blood echoed throughout the chamber, a victorious symphony of success. In that fleeting moment, I relished in the feeling of vindication.

My body was fueled by the feeling, and it felt like icy pin prickles across my skin. I launched a powerful roundhouse kick toward his thigh, aiming to disrupt his balance, and it brought him to his knees. The impact of his body hitting the ground rumbled in the chamber, and a satisfied smirk decorated my face.

I fucking got him.
