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Maybe she could network and pass out a few cards tonight too, even Cinderella would’ve agreed the night was still young. Better to enjoy every second until the clock struck closing time which was apparently 2am in this bar.

She strolled through the evening crowd assessing the groups. Couples had most of the booths around the edges of the place. And singles seemed to be milling closer to the bar and the bar-height tables arranged around the center dance floor.

Soft strobe lights flitted through the space, rotating colors on the bass beat of the country favorite currently thrumming through the speakers.

“Sweetheart, God made those jeans just for you.”

She pivoted to her right, locating the deeply twanged voice complimenting her wardrobe choice, and purposefully curved her mouth into a please smile. It shouldn’t be so hard. The line may have been cheesy, but he was absolutely adorable. All cowboy boots, tight wranglers, and a button-up Chaps dress shirt. He could’ve stepped straight out of a Justin Boot catalog. He at least deserved a smile for effort.

“Thank you,” she managed, barely getting her voice to carry over the music.

He approached slowly, confidence in every step and a glint in his eye that said no one ever told himno.

Her stomach dropped and skittered across the floor like a guilty dog fleeing the scene of a crime. That look. It was exactly the way Lance had looked at her when they first met. Why hadn’t she seen it that first time? Why hadn’t she listened her parents? Why had she thought his bossiness was sexy?

“Can I buy you a drink…?” He drawled out the question, waiting for her to fill in her name.

“Not tonight, but thank you for the offer.” She flashed him another small smile and headed toward an empty bar stool, leaving him standing alone with a shocked look scrawled across his face.

She settled into the barstool and hooked her lace-up red high heels on the bottom rung.

“Well, it’s rare I see anyone get past Glenn once he’s set his sights.” The bartender split a wide smile and leaned with an elbow on the hardwood counter.


“The dimpled cutie-pie you were talking to a second ago.”

“He may be adorable on the outside, but I got the feeling he wasn’t all puppies and hearts and flowers on the inside.” Laurel smiled, keeping her voice low, no need to alienate herself if this guy was well-liked.

The bartender just nodded in agreement. “Well, you’re one of the few whose “jackass-o-meter” is working. I swear that man gets his hands on more panties than a Victoria’s Secret warehouse employee. And he’s a local. You’d think the girls around here would learn.” Glasses clinked down the bar and laughter drew the bartenders attention.

“Everyone says guys are more visual than girls, but most of us are swayed more than we realize by looks…”

“Eh, after a few shots of tequila, they all start to blend together.”

A laugh rippled from Laurel’s chest. “In that case I’ll stay away from the tequila tonight. I’m Laurel, by the way. Laurel Hart. I’m opening Matched.” She pulled a card from her small silver clutch and handed it over.

“Lori Pittman, nice to meet you. You’re the one Edie was talking up in the book group last night. A matchmaking service, right? Is it an online thing?”

I need to be sure and send Edie a bouquet of cookies or something.Her realtor was turning out to be better advertising than any space she could’ve purchased in the town newspaper. “Matchmaking, yes. Online dating service, no. I do accept applicants online, but I always conduct phone interviews and then personally work to find a compatible long-term match. Though a face-to-face chat is always preferable.”

“Nice. A personal touch to keep the creepers at bay.”

“I suppose you could say that, yes.”

“What’ll you have?”

“A rum and coke.” Lori nodded and before Laurel could open her clutch again, the drink was made and fizzing in front of her. She handed the bartender a ten-dollar bill and then took a sip. “I’ll probably need another soon.”

A quick nod said she’d be back to check on her shortly.

Laurel did a quick sweeping glance of the room again and felt her heart sink a little deeper into her chest. A couple of obviously available and good looking guys caught her gaze, waited for encouragement, which she couldn’t muster up from the depressing fact that she was disappointed none of them had a beard or were wearing flannel.Damn that man and his flannel.But what she wouldn’t do to be able to smell his piney aftershave right now…or feel the soft scratch of his beard on her cheek. She could still feel it.

“Dammit,” she whispered under her breath.

“Changed your mind?”

Laurel looked up at Lori and nodded. “I just realized I’m not really feeling up to socializing.” She slid off the bar stool and tucked her clutch beneath her arm.
