Page 11 of Darling Dmitri

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Unfortunately, several of my teammates were intrigued by her, as well, which was not setting right with me. Because if any of them did get near her in any other way than a friend, then I would have to kill them. Only because it was my duty as I’d promised my father. That’s all it was. As long as I was around, Sorina was off-limits to everyone.

However, she didn’t get the memo. Or she deliberately threw the memo away because she was hell-bent on doing whatever she wanted. It was Friday night of Halloween weekend, after a football win. Jared Griffin, one of the guys on our team, was having a huge party. After every game since the end of August, I’d made sure Sorina was escorted home safe and sound. If she wanted to go to school functions like the homecoming dance at the gym, I was okay with it as long as I was there. Or even if she wanted to grab a bite after the game, I was cool with that, too. But, I was not going to let her go to one of our high school drunk-fest parties. And this party was notorious for debauchery. Not on my fucking watch. I meant what I said when she started all this nonsense about wanting to ‘experience’ high school life.

After the game, I saw her by the field house, where she was standing around with her cheer friends. Stacy Walker, one of the cheerleaders on the squad, was talking to Sorina. She eyed me and wrapped the end of her blonde ponytail between her fingers. “Hey, you, great game.”

I walked past her, maybe mumbled thanks, and looked at Sorina. “Let me get my things out of the locker room, and I will take you home.”

“No need to worry. I have a ride.”

“You do?”

“Megan and I were going to grab a bite to eat and go to the movies,” she said, and Megan Hollis stood next to her, nodding in confirmation. Megan was on the squad, too, but wasn’t one who was ever seen at parties. She was a bookworm and more focused on school and building up her college résumé. Everyone knew she was shooting for valedictorian. Besides, her parents were very strict. She was labeled a “good girl” among all the guys, which basically meant guys were going to have to work very hard to get her attention. I’d noticed she and Sorina had been hanging out together lately.

What harm could that be? I nodded. “Don’t stay out too late.”

“Okay,Dad. I’m certain I will be home long before you are.” Sorina looked at me like I was an irritating pest, but for the most part, she had steered clear of any potential trouble. Yet, why was there this nagging thought she was biding her time until she could get into trouble? She grinned at Megan and flicked her fingers at me. “Catch you later, bro.” I watched her as she walked away, toward the parking lot, with her friend. Her black ponytail swayed down her back with each step she took. She always bounced around as she walked, like the littlezaychikshe was. I kept staring and had the overwhelming urge to grab her sable hair and wrap it around my fist and yank her back against my chest...Jesus. Where did that thought come from? I rubbed my face. This girl was going to drive me insane.

“Hey, I can’t wait until you see my costume tonight.” Stacy ran her finger up my arm. I didn’t realize she was still hanging around. “I think you’ll be so jealous, you won’t be able to think straight.”

Stacy and I had fucked around a few times, but not lately. I really had no desire to anymore. I really had no desire for anyone lately, except…I rubbed my eyes. “Can’t wait to see it.” Did I have a moment of reflection where I thought about how hypocritical it was that I went to these parties, but basically forbade Sorina to go? Maybe. Was it irrational? To some people, yes, but I wasn’t okay with her being there, where some douchebag would prey on her like a creep and try take advantage of her. Regardless, I let go of those thoughts and made my way to the locker room. Still thinking about a petite body and dark eyes and inky hair. Things that weren’t mine to think about. Never mine to think about.


—Age 17

“Maybe we shouldn’t go.” Megan bit her lip as she stared at herself in the mirror. Uncertainty passed over her features as she turned around in her slutty shark costume. I smiled in encouragement. We’d both donned our outfits and joked about having a hall pass to dress trampy on Halloween because who hadn’t seenMean Girls? Add teen movies to my love of American things. Jared was in my calculus class and had needled me every day for the past two weeks to come to this party. He said a costume was required to get in. Actually, I’d never been to a Halloween party. In fact, I’d never been to a real party since I started school. I was giddy to go.

I knew I would have to have a good excuse to convince Dmitri not to be on me like a guard dog tonight. Luckily, Megan was motivated to go because Chase Wright was going to be there, and she seemed to have had a little crush on him since eighth grade, which she admitted to me. He was on the football team, as well.

I knew she wasn’t one who frequented parties, because her parents would never condone her going to a party where there was alcohol. But, she’d convinced her parents she was spending the night with me, and grabbing a bite to eat, then going to the movies. Which was somewhat true. We did grab a bite to eat, and she was spending the night. However, they didn’t know my guardian was out of town for the weekend at some charity event in New York, and here we were, getting ready in my room.

“No. We are going,” I said with resolve, and put on my bunny ears, fighting the case of nerves rolling through me. If I was going to be azaychik, I may as well go all out. I straightened my shoulders, channeling my inner Elle Woods—another favorite movie of mine. I wore a one-piece, strapless, pink satin number that molded to my boobs, but I paired it with black fishnet hose and black stiletto heels that gave me at least three inches to my frame.

“Are you sure?” Megan looked as cautious as I felt because, despite my bravado, I was apprehensive about what would happen when Dmitri saw me. However, there was the defiant part of me that would not let him boss me around anymore.

“Yes. Come on. Let’s live a little.”

Later, Megan and I arrived at his house. We had to trudge up the road at least half a block because cars were lined up on each side of the road, but it was all good. Someone opened the door and leered down at both of us as he teetered. “Well, shit. I’d say it’s a Christmas miracle, but it’s only Halloween.” He stumbled through the door with a red plastic cup in his hand. I recognized him as one of the basketball players on the team. “Wanna get out of here and have a real party?” He flashed a lecherous grin.

Megan and I looked at each other before we both declined and stepped inside. The place was wall-to-wall packed as music blared through the air. Every girl was dressed in every skimpy costume you could imagine, just like we were. We moved through the room like two children lost in a maze. Clusters of people were bouncing to the beat of the music, others were clashing plastic cups together before downing them, while couples groped each other as they kissed with no care as to who was watching.

We slipped through an opening in the crowd and ended up passing through open patio sliding doors leading to a lit pool outside. “Megan!” Chase called out, standing a few feet from us with a hockey mask pushed up on top of his head, wearing his letter jacket and jeans. He walked toward us, whistling low, as he took a sip of his beer. “Damn, hottest shark I’ve ever seen.”

“Thank you,” she replied politely as though she were at a tea party.

“Let’s get you some refreshments.” He spread his arm out, directing us to follow.

Before we entered the house, someone gripped me from behind, and I felt the crush of plastic against my ear as a voice growled, “Do you like scary movies?”

I yelped, catching theScreammask, and rammed my elbow into his gut, fighting out of the hold.

“Owww.”Screamcostume person bent over, pulling off his mask. “It’s me.” Jared glanced up at me as he stood up.

“Oh my god. You scared me.”

“I see that. It was just a joke.”

“I’m sorry.” I felt a blush creep up my cheeks, embarrassed I flipped out. I loved horror movies, but I didn’t know why, because I covered my eyes more than I watched.
