Page 13 of Darling Dmitri

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“Me either.” Megan craned her neck. “He was inside when I ran into him.”

My phone vibrated in my hand again.

Dmitri:You better run and hope I don’t catch you, zaychik.

I glanced around again, with a mixture of apprehension and annoyance.Where was he? “We have to leave.” I clutched Megan’s arm, dragging her with me.

“Wait. I left my purse with Chase.”

“Where is he?”

“Inside.” She stuck a thumb over her shoulder.

“Go. I’ll meet you at the car. Okay?”

She nodded and took off.

Jared popped out in front of me, nearly giving me a heart attack with his mask back in place. He paused and lifted his mask. “What’s wrong?”

“I have to go.”

“Already?” He slung his arm around my shoulder. “Aw, come on, you just got here.”

He leaned in closer, and I shook my head with remorse. “I don’t want there to be any trouble.”


“Yes, Dmitri…”

“You really think he’s going to start trouble because you’re here?” He looked neither convinced nor concerned.

“You don’t know him like I do.” I glanced over my shoulder. I still hadn’t seen him, but I could sense he was nearby, and I didn’t want to deal with whatever embarrassment he might cause if I stayed. Knowing him, he would dress me down like a child in front of a large crowd just to prove a stupid point. “I’m sorry.”

“I’m sorry, too, but next time, I’ll make sure he’s not around,” he said slyly, and pulled me close, kissing me on the temple. I was kind of stunned by his action and unprepared. Then, he pointed his cup out in front of him. “You can go out that way. There’s a trail that leads to the street. Come back later, and I’ll show you a good time.” He winked, taking a drink.

My brows drew together. “Um, thanks.” I slipped off as I saw a worn path among the trees and brush a few feet away. I looked behind me, assuring myself no one was following me, and that’s when I saw him. His tall form was difficult to miss, and he was the only one I’d seen without a costume. His long strides were eating up the distance, and I broke into a run, praying I could see the trail in the dark. Cursing myself for thinking this was a good idea in the first place. Cursing myself for wearing these damn heels while hoping I didn’t trip and fall or break my ankle.

Luckily, I saw the clearing ahead, and as I was about to reach it, an arm clamped around my stomach, yanking me off the ground. Self-preservation instincts kicked in, and I yelped, thrashing out, clawing at the band of steel that was his forearm. I drove my heel into his shin, and he cursed with his hold loosening enough for my feet to hit the ground, and I twisted out of his grasp.

I started to scurry away but shrieked as I almost ran headfirst into a tree. Before I could reorient myself, two arms enclosed me as palms braced against the tree. My cheek was pressed into the bark from the heavy weight behind me.

“I caught you.” The words were growled against my ear, followed by a devious snicker. A chill coursed down my spine even as heat radiated off his hard body and pressed against my back.

I lifted my foot, about to back-kick him blindly. “Don’t even think about kicking me again, or I will spank your ass.” His words were dark, ominous, and effective.

I almost did, despite his warning, but sighed in frustration, knowing I was at his mercy at the moment. “I was going home.” I angled my head, trying to see his face. “You won, okay? I’m leaving the stupid party.”

He spun me around and shoved me until I felt the bumpy edges of bark dig into my skin. “You weren’t supposed to be at this party in the first place. And, you show up…” He glanced down between us. “Wearing this?” I could hear the anger vibrating through his words. “What in the hell were you thinking, Sorina?”

“It’s a Halloween party. What did you expect?”

“I expected you not to be here.” He glared at me before his eyes dropped down again.

“You can’t tell me what to do.”

“I can’t?” His jaw was clenched.

“It’s just a—”
