Page 14 of Darling Dmitri

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He cut me off. “You don’t understand.” His voice sounded like it was held together by a thread…a thread that was about to snap. “You don’t know the trouble you are asking for when you dress like this and show up around a bunch of drunk and horny guys.” He ran a finger over his mouth, shaking his head slowly back and forth.

“But it’s okay for you to be here? Can you say double standard?”

He cupped my bare shoulders. “Is that why you showed up? To prove a point because you think I’m being unfair?” My skin buzzed as his thumbs drew soft circles over my skin.

“That’s exactly how I feel. You’re not my father.”

His eyes darkened under the glow of the moonlight as his eyes roved over me slowly. “No, I’m not your father.”

“And you can’t tell me what to do.”

The usual tug of his smirk materialized. “That’s where you’re wrong.”

I shoved at his chest, and he didn’t budge. I shoved again. “I told you I don’t respect you and don’t have to listen to you.”

He grappled my wrists together in one hand and shoved them above my head as his thumb dug into my skin. “And I told you I don’t want your respect, but you will listen to me.”

I turned away, ignoring him, but he used more force as the rough bark of the tree embedded into the back of my hands. Past events should have triggered me, but I had the insane notion to keep pressing his buttons.

“What was your plan? To get trashed and tempt someone in this barely there costume, and sleep with them?”


I heard a sound in his throat that sounded feral. His thumb pressed deeper into the underside of my wrist. “That’s what you want? To be treated like a slut?”

“If I did, it’s none of your concern.”

The words hung in the air between us as he held my arms trapped above me with one hand while his other hand trailed down my skin until he was tracing the lace on the hem of the bodice. “It is my concern, unfortunately.” He licked his lips. “Your choice of costume makes me wonder if you wore this for my benefit. It’s almost as if you wanted me to catch you.”

“Are you serious?” I bit out. His words hit closer to home than I wanted to admit, but it couldn’t be true. Could it? Why would I want to tempt this jerk who acted like he ruled me like that? I could only chalk it up to wanting to express my defiance. Not attract him. “Do you actually think I wanted to see you tonight? And deal with your winning personality?” I forced a laugh that sounded more shaky than sarcastic. “No.”

“Yet, you knew I would be here. When did you become such a little liar,moy zaychik?” His finger slid under the very edge of the hem, brushing the skin of my upper breast. My skin pricked under his touch. My jaw fell slack. This was teetering on something else entirely. Something I didn’t fully comprehend nor feel completely repulsed by, like I should.

“Sorina!” I heard Megan’s voice in the distance. “Sorina, where are you?”

The hand wreaking havoc on my skin was gone. Again, I was left in a state of confusion. He stepped back and clamped a hand on my upper arm as he led us out of the trees. “You will go straight home, now,” he warned under his breath.


—Age 17

I couldn’t sleep. The scene between Dmitri and I kept playing in my head, and I couldn’t forget how he could both infuriate me and make me feel something I couldn’t quite understand. That thrill of fear and excitement was much like flying through the air when I vaulted. I felt like I was twisting recklessly high above the ground, hoping I could stick a landing, but not quite reaching it.

After his warning, Dmitri ended up following us home because I guess he couldn’t trust me, which annoyed me to no end. Once he saw us safe and sound into the house, he took off again, obviously going back to the party. As infuriating as it was, I blew it off and took Megan to my room, where we watched reality TV. She fell asleep not long after, and I clicked off the TV, closing my eyes, as well. Hours later, after tossing and turning for what seemed like forever, I sighed and slid out bed.

I made my way down to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. When I closed the door, I heard a noise. I glanced up and saw Dmitri sitting at the table in the breakfast nook with a bottle of one of Arty’s vodkas, Stoli Elit, and a glass between his hands. He watched me with heavy-lidded eyes, and I noticed a slight tic in his jaw.

Leaning back in his chair, he never broke eye contact as he took a long gulp of his drink. He seemed angry, worked up for some reason. Something warned me not to poke a feral animal with a stick; however, I wasn’t good with heeding warnings, and I dropped down in the seat across from him, taking a sip of my water.

“It’s late. You should be asleep.”

“Can’t sleep.”

He glanced down at his glass and shook his head. “Try harder. Go back to bed, Sorina.”

“Oh, yeah? Funny how you think you’re in charge just because you’re a year older than me.” I pointed to his drink. “Last time I checked, eighteen is considered underage here, and you shouldn’t be raiding Arty’s prized vodkas.”

“Don’t worry about what I should or shouldn’t do. I can handle my liquor.”

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