Page 26 of Darling Dmitri

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Carly came back with our drinks. “Hey, let’s go dance.”

“Oh, brother, drunk dancing already?” Julian shook his head. “And this music sucks.”

“Thanks again for being the designated driver.” Carly blew a kiss at him as she dragged me away.

We pushed our way through the crowd, who were bouncing everywhere. We found a small opening and started moving to the music. The beat thrummed into my system, and my body felt relaxed from the alcohol. I twirled my hand above me, losing myself in the music. Soon, I saw Carly dancing with some guy in the crowd, and the longer they went, the more daring she was. Eventually, they were smiling seductively at each other as their bodies ground together in unison.

“I know you.” A deep voice was at my ear, startling me. I twitched my head before turning around to see Axel smiling down at me as two delectable dimples completed his already charming look. The guy was too gorgeous and seemed to carry an air of playfulness, unlike Dmitri, who seemed to have a permanent stick up his ass. How were they even friends?

I smoothed out a strand of hair that was in my face. “Axel, right?”

He nodded, and his grin spread wider as he casually bumped his body to the bass booming through the speaker on stage. He wore a fitted gray T-shirt, and his biceps bulged from under the short sleeves, flexing with each movement. He leaned in again. “How are you enjoying Hillside so far?”

“It’s nice,” I answered loudly over the music.

“Did you say you were a cheerleader?”


He grazed the back of his hand under his chin as his gaze grew thoughtful, but his lips were still curled in a smile. “Cool. Guess we’ll see a lot of each other this semester.”

I wasn’t trying to read into what that meant, except it must’ve been football related. I also wanted to know how close he and Dmitri were since they obviously shared a house, but I wasn’t certain if we were at that point to have the discussion. I barely knew the guy. Instead, I nodded with a grin. “I guess we will.”

“Alright, then, Dmitri’s ward.” Before it registered what he called me, he reached out and took my hand in his, holding it over my head as he twirled me in a circle. “I’ll see you around.”

I waved half-heartedly as he gave me a two-finger salute and strolled off like he owned the place. People among the crowd were stepping up to him, trying to engage him in conversation, and he’d laugh or say something briefly before moving on. If I didn’t know it already, Dmitri’s group of friends must be a big deal here. I guess they were, being national champions last year. It was only broadcasted everywhere on campus.

I twisted my head over to where Carly was dancing, but she was nowhere in sight. Puzzled, I continued to search for her, and then I felt my spine tingle. As I continued to dance, I moved my eyes around the crowd, then froze when I caught a glimpse of him. I had to will myself not to miss a step.

Dmitri sat off to the side in a lounger while two girls in tight micro mini dresses danced in front of him, gyrating as if they were about to give him a lap dance. He sat relaxed but poised like a king who was accustomed to such entertainment. However, he wasn’t watching them, his eyes were trained on me. Disdainful, hollow, and merciless—a perfect illusion that would certainly suck you under the tide while he promised you nothing with an empty smile, yet you still begged for his attention.His perceived charms seemed to work in his favor, but I knew all wasn’t as it seemed with him. His piercing stare never wavered, which began to unnerve me. I knew he didn’t want me here at Hillside, and seeing me at this party must’ve pissed him off even more.

However, I gave him a pouty pose, fish lips and all, and hiked up the hem of my fitted dress, baring more of my thigh as I swayed my hips seductively, thrusting out my ass a little more.

His eyes tapered into two slits, and his full lips flattened into a straight line.

Soon, I felt a hand on my hip and something hard on my butt. “Damn, girl. Where have you been all my life?”

I spun, taken aback. “Excuse me?”

It was a guy with moppy chestnut hair that fell over his eyes. He wore a tee with a frat logo and khaki shorts, and a cheap tequila bottle dangled from his fingers. “Hey, easy, I come in peace.” He took a swig from the tequila and swayed clumsily to the music. He leaned closer, tilting the bottle over my lips, and liquid ran down my chin. “Have some, it will loosen—”

In a whirl, his words were cut off when I saw a large hand at frat boy’s throat, and words were laced in deadly warning. “She’s not interested.” Dmitri towered over him like the grim reaper. I swiped at my chin and stared in surprise.

“The fuck’s your problem?” frat boy rushed out, but his words were strained.

“Lay a hand on her again and you’ll find out.” His hand tightened around the guy’s throat, getting his point across. He kept squeezing until the guy squirmed uncomfortably, and his face reddened.

“Dmitri, stop.” I tugged on his arm, but he didn’t budge. Was he insane? He couldn’t go around threatening people or choke them out, no matter whether he thought he reigned among these people or not.

Frat boy’s eyes bulged with fear as he struggled for air. He raised his arms out helplessly and gasped, “I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”

I dug my nails into his arm. “You’re causing a scene.”

Finally, he released him and shoved him back. “Get out of my face before I change my mind.” I could see movement out of the corner of my eye as a crowd gathered around us. However, I kept my focus on the brutal nemesis in front of me who seemed to thrive on humiliating me in public, then acted like a cold asshole around me while his life went on, business as usual. “That wasn’t necessary,” I warned quietly.

I barely said the words before he was in my space and snarling in my face. “Don’t ever put me in that position again.”

What? My temper was about to snap, and I stomped off, intent on leaving his surly ass in my dust, but he fell in line beside me and clutched my elbow in a death grip. I bit my tongue, watching as the sea of people around us parted in front of him like an imaginary bodyguard was ahead of us, clearing the path. Another unwanted reminder of how he was someone on campus who commanded everyone’s attention and respect by his mere presence and demeanor. Above it all. Untouchable, as always.

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