Page 32 of Darling Dmitri

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“Nick.” Kenzie laid a palm on his chest. “Behave.”

“I am. You know I’m a gentleman.” The big brick-of-a-wall asshole turned into putty in mere seconds. Next thing I knew, the knife clanked on the cutting board as Nick and Kenzie were mauling each other like the world was going to end before they had a chance to fuck.

“Get a damn room,” Roman grumbled as he slapped Nick on the back of the head. “There’s food here that we’re about to eat, for Christ’s sake.” Before the last word came out of his mouth, he yanked Theo into his arms and devoured her lips.

I shrugged, saying to myself because everyone was preoccupied, “I’m going to make a plate. I’m starving.”

“Damn, it smells good in here.” Axel strolled in, hair still damp from showering, but his happy-go-lucky look dropped like an anvil when he saw me hovering over the food. “At least it did.”

Roman finally came up for air and gave us both a warning look. “You two make nice already. It’s dinnertime.” As if we would listen to him. As if we’d never had to restrain this son of a bitch from attacking Nick a time or two.

“Why don’t you tell this stinky, cheap shot motherfucker to take a shower?” Axel nodded at me in disgust. “He’s ruining my mood.”

“He does have a point,” Nick chimed in, giving me the stink eye, as well. “You’re still in your practice clothes, and you sweat your ass off today. That’s not very sanitary.”

“You were about to do something very unsanitary in here with Kenzie on the kitchen island next to the salad we’re about to eat, Nick, so I wouldn’t talk. Besides, I washed my hands.” Too hungry to care, I filled my plate, losing interest in the conversation. Axel was still salty over what happened earlier, and I’m certain he’d keep on because his fucking mouth was like a faucet that never shut off.

I walked over to the table and dropped down, set on eating my dinner because I was starving. Practice was brutal today after doing bear crawls up and down the football field for what seemed like forever. Correction: didn’tseemlike forever…itwasforever.

Everyone else eventually filled out the rest of the table with their plates. Guess we were all still good with “family dinner.”

“So, are you gonna tell us why you were acting like a bitch on the field?” Axel threw out at me before digging into his food.

“Bad day.”

“He saw his ‘ward’ getting thoroughly stretched out when she was practicing on the other field.” Of all people, Roman said it matter-of-factly. I wanted to kill him.

“Are you trying to start shit with me, too, Roman?”

“No. Just pointing out how you were acting like a tool today.”

“And you’ve never acted like one?” I raised an eyebrow, silently reminding him about the list of all the psycho things he did in the past. “Theo, remind me again what you see in this guy.”

“He’s just persistent, that’s all.” Funny how quickly she picked up on the conversation and responded accordingly.

“Tell that to his therapist,” I couldn’t help but say.

“Lame response. Maybe you should take some pointers from Axel,” Roman pointed out with his fork.

“I wasn’t trying to be funny.”

“I know, and my past behavior was warranted.” Roman cut his food up methodically, as if anything he did was truly justified, which everyone knew was a lie.

“What happened today?” Theo asked with a puzzled look, eying Axel and me. Even she could tell that this was more than light teasing. Color me quickly losing interest in this conversation. I wasn’t one to be the center of attention. That was Axel’s gig, and let that fucker bask in it for all I cared. Surprisingly, he was keeping mum.

“You know those slight disagreements Nick and I had?” Roman was fighting to keep a straight face. “Same thing. But it’s all good now, right?”

Axel shrugged without a care and kept eating.

I was so over this conversation, and I shoved more lasagna in my mouth.


I walked into the auditorium for my class, Intro to Psychology, with Dr. Feldman. Julian took this class last semester and told me to get there early and grab a seat in the front row. Be attentive. Participate in the discussion.

“Get a seat front row and center. You score points with her for participation,” he said.

I rounded the bottom row and saw two familiar faces as I made my way to the middle of the auditorium. The two girls who were at Dmitri’s house the other night.

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