Page 42 of Darling Dmitri

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“Not when every man out there who had eyes was leering at you.” His fingers curled around my shoulder as he spun me around with my back to him. His hands landed on my hips. I felt the pad of his thumbs tracing the exposed skin of my butt. “Not when you’re showing this much of your ass.” I shivered as his breath touched my neck. “Is that what you wanted, Sorina? To have every man lusting after you? You like to drive men out of their minds?”

“Said the guy who had a bikini-clad girl perched on his lap.” I flipped my wet hair back, hoping it hit him in the face. I felt the tug on my scalp, and my head was pulled back, exposing my neck. His face loomed over mine.

“Sounds like you’re jealous.”

“Jealous?” I forced a laugh, fighting against his pull. “No. Not even a little bit.”

He chuckled, too, as if I said something amusing, but I spotted no mirth in his eyes.

“You do whatever orwhoeveryou want, and I’ll do the same.”

He tugged on my hair harder. “Is that what you think?” The stubble of his jaw scraped against my cheek. “Is that what you do when I’m not around…whoeveryou want?”

“Maybe.” My pulse beat erratically, and warmth spread through my skin. “What are you trying to prove?”

“I’m just…curious. Tell me. What is it you do? Do you make the first move? Was that what you were about to do with Casper? Give him a little taste? Because I assure you, if you came onto him, he wouldn’t have known what to do.” His mouth hovered over the corner of mine.

“And you do?” I knew I was playing with fire. We both were.

I could almost feel the texture of his lips when he nodded deliberately. “Yes.”

One word. One profound word hung in the air, while mine threatened to bubble up my throat, but I fought to keep down.Don’t say it. Don’t say it. Don’t say it.I told myself, but in the end, I wasn’t thinking rationally enough to care. Like boiling water suppressed under a lid, the words fell out, and the walls started to crumble. “Show me.”


Show me. She wanted me to show her? My cock was already titanium hard and twitched again at her words. Christ, she was tempting me enough as it was in this skimpy bikini, and then she said that? Did she not realize what she could unleash right now?

“You want me to show you?” My voice sounded like I’d gargled sand. I tightened my grip on her hair as I stared down at the fucking bow of her bottom lip that I wanted to bite, suck, and lick. My conscience was already warring with me not to cross this bridge, demolish the stupid imaginary line that would change all dynamics between us. My good intentions were clouded by this inexplicable desire to have her, bend her to my will.

And fuck, this wasn’t a good idea.

Ask me if I cared right now.

“Yes. Show me.”

I stared at her, and after a long pause, I said, “What exactly do you want me to show you?”


Images of “everything” between us would be a long fucking list, and I had to contain myself before I lost control and took what she was offering.

“Define everything. Actually, why don’tyoushow me?”

Her eyes raised in surprise. I could see the uncertainty as she rubbed her palm against her thigh. Seconds passed, and my patience was about nonexistent. Yet, if she wanted to play games with me, then I would gladly oblige her.

“Make your move, now, before I carry you out of here in front of everyone and send you home. You know I will.” The silent angel sitting on my shoulder softly whispered I should and not pursue this at all.

She glanced down between us, staring at the floor, either in reflection or contemplating her next move, I wasn’t certain.

“If you don’t—” I goaded.

“Fine,” she seethed. Then she ran her palms up my chest until her hands curled over my shoulders. She raised her eyes to me, and I could see the defiance lurking in those endless depths. Standing on her toes, she leaned into me, tilting her chin up, trying to close in on my mouth, but I didn’t bend down, making it difficult for her. She was fucking going to have to earn this on her own without my help. See if she didn’t.

“Hurry up, I’m losing interest,” I added in a bored tone.

“I can’t…” Her fingers pressed into my skin, trying to pull me toward her. “I need…”

“What do you need?”
